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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

By Gail Finke (from our print edition) Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr led a prayer service at the cathedral on the 100th anniversary of the final apparition of Our Lady at Fatima, Portugal. Held at 7 p.m. on Friday Oct. 13, at the height of high school football season and in …

AT Sacred Heart in Barcelona Spain (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
During the week of October 30th through November 2nd, more photos of the Pilgrimage to Lourdes and Fatima will be posted. For the story Fatima and Abroad, click here

The archdiocese is blessed to have a number of women and men currently in various stages of formation with area religious communities. Meet some of them here:   Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati First Professed Sister Tracy Kemme: (Home parish:  St. John Neumann) In her third year of temporary profession …

New building needed to house growing numbers of future priests Groundbreaking Nov. 2 at 88-year-old Mt. Washington campus By Colleen Kammer (from our print edition) Groundbreaking ceremonies for a major expansion of Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West will take place Nov. 2 at the Mount Washington institution as …

  A Eucharistic procession from Our Lady of the Woods Parish to the shrine to Our Lady of Fatima at Indian Lake culminated months of centennial events at the one-time Catholic amusement park. The statue of Our Lady, once surrounded by dancing waters-style fountains, is no longer the largest statue …

From our print edition: Every fall, Catholics in the United States observe National Black Catholic History Month, a reminder that from the Church’s earliest days, Catholics have come from all races, cultures, and nations. The following explanation is from the National Black Catholic Congress, founded in1889 by Cincinnati publisher Daniel …

The following testimonies are excerpted from “Tracing Your Catholic Roots” second edition, published in 1990 and 2007 by the Office of African-American Catholic Ministries for National Black Catholic History Month.  A shorter version appeared in our print edition. In the seminary when boys live together, sleep, work, play and pray …

Click on the links to download and print out your prayer guide for a driving pilgrimage of important sites in the history of African-American parishes and people in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Starting with the first parishes and institution in the City of Cincinnati’s West End, the pilgrimage includes sites in the …

Retired priest Rob Waller, an avid flag enthusiast, designed a flag for retired priests living in West Milton. Featured in our print edition, the flag combines symbols of the priesthood with traditional flag design. Here is more about the project from Father Waller: Melchizedek Village, named after the first priest …