Author Archive
The Catholic Telegraph
Celebrating at the Stable: Nativity Scenes bring the Incarnation Home

By Gail Finke It’s the little clay baby in the manger—or maybe the empty manger, waiting until Christmas morning for the figure to appear. It’s the watchful figures of Mary and Joseph (“Mary always has to go on Jesus’s right, and Joseph always has to hold a lantern or …
Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem Mass

More than two dozen members of the Cincinnati Section of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem celebrated Mass with Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr and prospective new members of the Order on Nov. 17 at St. Columban Church in Loveland, followed by a reception and program. In his …
A picture says a thousand words: Cities for Life against the Death Penalty

On Thursday, November 30th the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains was illuminated in purple (a sign of mourning) as part of the global “Cities for Life against the Death Penalty” movement.
November Obituaries

Father Giles H. Pater A Mass of Christian Burial for Father Giles Pater was celebrated Nov. 9 at St. John Fisher Church in Newtown. Father Pater, 83, died Nov. 3. A Cincinnati native, he did his preparatory studies at St. Gregory Seminary and studied philosophy and theology at Mount St. …
Pope Prayer intentions for December

Pope Francis Prayer intentions for December That the elderly, sustained by families and Christian communities, may apply their wisdom and experience to spreading the faith and forming the new generations.

On Saturday December 2nd, St. Vincent de Paul volunteers and staff will distribute winter coats to families in need on Saturday beginning at 9:00 a.m. at four locations. The coats have been donated by people throughout the Tri-State as part of St. Vincent de Paul’s coat drive. This event is …
Jubilarians 2017: Third order of St. Francis

In 2017 twenty-three Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis celebrate anniversaries of their entrance into the Franciscan community. Eight of these Sisters were originally from the Cincinnati Archdiocese: 80 years – Sister Adele Zahn of St. Anthony’s, Dayton 75 years – Sister Mary Jean Sora of St. John’s, …
ADF sues Miami University on behalf of pro-life club

By Gail Finke The non-profit legal association Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) filed a federal lawsuit against Miami University yesterday after its Hamilton campus told a student pro-life group it could erect a “Cemetery of the Innocents” display this fall only if it posted “trigger warning” signs throughout campus. Miami University’s …
Question of Faith: Do we still believe in “limbo”?

Question of Faith Q: Back in the day, we were taught there was a “limbo” where infants went if they died before baptism. Does the church still teach that? A: As you mentioned, limbo, from the Latin word for “border,” was a theological hypothesis to explain the fate of unbaptized …