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The Catholic Telegraph
Dayton: Good Samaritan Hospital’s Philadelphia Drive Location to Cease Operations Toward the End of 2018

From Premier Health: DAYTON, Ohio, (January 17, 2018) – Premier Health today embarks on its 2020 strategic plan, a series of initiatives that will best position the health system long-term to fulfill its mission to build healthier communities. The strategic plan calls for a configuration of health care services to …
Suit filed over Canada Summer Jobs program; Canadian Bishops Respond

By Gail Finke The Toronto Right to Life Association filed a suit against the Canadian government this week, alleging that a change to funding the Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) program amounts to government discrimination against churches and other religious groups that condemn abortion and hold conservative positions on social issues, …
Maria Stein Shrine to Host St. Dymphna Prayer Service

MARIA STEIN, Ohio (January 15, 2018) – Prayer to ask the help of Saint Dymphna, the patron saint of those suffering from neurological and mental health conditions, will take place on Sunday, January 28, in the Shrine Adoration Chapel at Maria Stein. The service begins at 2:30 p.m. It is …
Trudeau: Pro-life position “not in line” with Canadian society

See minute 30.30 for the exchange about free speech between Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and a student. In it Trudeau said that speech and belief are protected by Canadian law, but acting on beliefs is not. Canadian PM’s clarification on Summer Jobs Program funding seems to affirm that churches and other religions that follow their …
Via Video: becoming a missionary disciple right here!

VIA, which means “by way of,” is the way that the Office for Youth Evangelization and Discipleship pursues its vision. It is the fruit of lived experience amongst youth ministers who desire to grow in the interior life, in faithfully living out their vocation, and in giving their lives for …
Vocation Events in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

Wednesday January 31st Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West from 5-8:30pm. Doors open at 4:45 and dress code for the evening is coat and tie if possible. For more information or to register click here Map Sunday March 11th Cast Your Nets will return to Sacred Heart Church in …
The Catholic Telegraph Bucket List for January

In the January edition of The Catholic Telegraph, we introduced a new feature called the Bucket List. This is for the great events within the Archdiocese of Cincinnati for you to attend, recommended by our readers. Here’s this month’s online version: Go: Maria Stein Shrine of the Holy Relics 2291 …
It’s January 14th and Jeanne Hunt explores New Year’s Resolutions: Saying “no” can be saying “yes” to grace

Have you decided on your New Year’s resolution yet? Every year, thousands of us decide to lose 10 pounds and join the gym, stop playing so much golf and spend more time with the kids, or if you really mean business, go to Mass more than one day a week. …
Stuff Luke Carey found for January: Stories Matter

Stories matter. Especially today. Instagram encourages users to post videos as stories. Families pass down stories. Billions share stories on Facebook. Friends laugh at the same stories for decades. Brands now tell stories to communicate with customers. There’s a reason for it all. Stories work. Humans crave the purpose and …
Call to Vocation: Events by the Serra Club

Holy Hour for Vocations for those discerning a Vocation or praying for Vocations –February 8th; March 8th beginning at 8pm at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center in Norwood OH. Sponsored by the Archdiocese Vocations Office and the Children of Mary every 2nd Thursday of the Month. Contact [email protected] for more …