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The Catholic Telegraph
Obituary: Sister Ann Catherine Merkle, CPPS

A memorial Mass for Precious Blood Sister Ann Catherine will be held at the Salem Heights chapel, 4960 Salem Ave., Dayton, Ohio on Thursday, January 25, 2018 at 10:30a.m. Visitation in chapel begins at 9:00a.m. followed by the Sharing of Memories at 10:00a.m., immediately preceding the Mass. Sister died at …
Jan. 31 last day to apply for elementary tuition grants

By Gail Finke While Catholic schools in the archdiocese are less expensive than most private schools, the days of free or close-to-free tuition are long past. Leaders of the archdiocese’s Catholic school system – one of the largest in the nation – have worked hard to help low-income urban families …
The 2018 Catholic Ministries Appeal is underway: How you can Impact the stories for others

Everyone Has a Story You have a story. Where have you been? Where are you at now in your life? Where do you hope to be in the future? Most likely, there are people who have helped you along the way. They have made a difference in your life; they …
A life of caring for others: Sister of Charity/former hospital COO serves the sick and homebound, one at a time

By Eileen Connelly, OSU Great joy accompanies the realization of God’s true calling for us, and it is shared as we reach out to others. Such has been the case with Sister of Charity Cincinnati Lynn Heper throughout her ministry as a nurse and caregiver. “It’s such a gift to …
Pro-life Bill Passes House, Ohio Democrats Vote Against It

By Gail Finke All Ohio Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives voted for the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act Friday, and three of Ohio’s four Democrats voted against it. The fourth did not vote. The bill passed 241-183 with six Democrats voting for it and no Republicans voting …
34th Annual Pro-Life Procession Marks Roe v. Wade

By Gail Finke Tom Condit outlined three encouraging trends at the 34th annual Cincinnati Pro-life Rosary Procession and Rally Saturday. The attorney and long-time pro-life activist said a surprising first year for the Trump administration, the dwindling number of abortion clinics in the United States, and the growing numbers of …
Mother Teresa Catholic Elementary School Principal Announces Retirement

Sister Anne Schulz to Retire at End of 2018-19 School Year Liberty Township, OH (January 22, 2018) –Mother Teresa Catholic Elementary School (MTCES) Principal and CEO Sister Anne Schulz, C.PP.S., announced that she will retire at the end of the 2018-19 academic year. Sister Anne has been Principal of the …
A super cookoff at St. John Neumann Parish

On January 20, an enlightening evening of cooking took place before a sold-out crowd at St. John Neumann Parish. The stars of the show were Father Leo Patalinghug, guest chef from Baltimore Maryland, and the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s own Father Kyle Schnippel. Born in the Philippines and raised in Baltimore, Father …
A Snowy Day in the Desert of… Dayton?

A look back at another snowy day, this one in December, when it the Downtown Dayton Parishes held a Live Nativity in the parking lot of Holy Trinity Church. Children portraying the people in the Nativity story bundled up against temperatures in the 20s, but the live animals (including the camels) …