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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

Pope Francis speaks during his general audience in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican March 15. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)
Formation in Spiritual Discernment; That the Church may appreciate the urgency of formation in spiritual discernment, both on the personal and communitarian levels.  

Stephen M. Barr, president of the new Society of Catholic Scientists, will speak on evolution and the Catholic faith March 7 at the University of Cincinnati. A professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Delaware, Barr will deliver the fifth annual Conway Lecture in Catholic Studies at UC. …

From Genesis: Then God said: Let the earth bring forth vegetation. (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
Families living in the St. Marys and Sidney Deaneries who have farmed on the same land for over 100 years are eligible to apply for the Catholic Century Farm Registry for the 2018 Class by March 31. Awards will be made at the July 2018 Rural Urban Farm Mass at …

Gifts of butter was popular at the viewing party of The Great American Baking Show. (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
Tomorrow night, February 27th from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m., you’re invited to have an Encounter the Peace of Christ at a parish near you. Father Kyle’s podcast discusses a freedom from fear you can Encounter the Peace of Christ. For Father Kyle’s podcast, click here

Row 1 (L to R): Steve Broering, Peter Caccavari, Greg Doud, Bishop Foys, Graham Galloway, Nathan Beiersdorfer, Fr. Paul Keller (representing Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary), Deacon Mark Machuga (Director of the Office of the Diaconate)
February 25, 2018: Men in diaconate formation took their next step to becoming permanent deacons in the Acolyte Ceremony during Mass at the Basilica of the Assumption in Covington KY. The reading in Mark’s Gospel was about the Transfiguration, and Bishop Foys hoped these men would have a mountaintop moment …

La Salle High School in Mt. Airy celebrated its annual Veterans Appreciation Day Feb. 22. From the school: “Yesterday we hosted our annual Veteran Appreciation Day where we honor all of those that have served our country in the armed forces. More than 200 veterans attended the event spanning from WWII …

Today the parking lot at St. Rose is more like a marina than parking lot (CT Photo/Greg Hartman
Just a few days ago, on Tuesday February 20th, about an eighth of the parking lot at St. Rose was covered. Today, Friday, February 23rd, the entire parking lot is covered, and the Ohio River continues to rise. For a look at the river on Tuesday, click here

Mount Saint Joseph – Sister Louise Akers, S.C., beloved member of the Sisters of Charity, dear sister of the late Robert Akers and Sharon Gates, survived by nieces and nephews. Departed Wednesday, February 7, 2018 at the age of 75. The Sisters of Charity and family received guests in the …

Candy Hartman, a parishioner at St Matthias the Apostle, originally posted this photo on Instagram and allowed us to share it here. Taken Feb. 3, it shows the Winton Wyoming Pastoral Region’s parochial vicar, Father Lambert Ulinzwenimana, after becoming a naturalized U.S. citizen. “We always have a little pot-luck breakfast after our fist …

Why do we have to confess our sins to a priest? Can’t we just pray to God for forgiveness? If I sin but no one is affected then can I say, “no harm, no foul?” Check out today’s video on the Sacrament of Reconciliation: