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The Catholic Telegraph
Seek the Lord: Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr for May

“No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15:13) This passage from the Gospel reading for May 6, the Sixth Sunday of Easter, is one of the most famous sayings of Jesus. Even non-Christians are quite familiar with it. With these words …
Father Endres for May: Where is Purgatory in the Bible?

Q: I have read the Bible and can find nothing on purgatory. It seems to me that if we believe that Jesus is our savior and died for our sins, we have eternal life the minute we die. Can you explain the origin of the church’s belief in purgatory? A: …
Celebrate Closing of Sharonville Abortion Mill, Thanksgiving for Prayers Answered

April 25, 2018 (Cincinnati, OH): God has answered prayers! Many have come and prayed in front of the abortion mill since its opening in November, 2010. Over the past years, several 40 Days for Life Campaigns were held, the rosary has been prayed every Saturday morning since the beginning of …
Seven African-American High School students have been awarded four-year grants

Seven African-American High School students have been awarded a four-year grant of $1000.00 per year from the Archbishop Karl J. Alter Scholarship Grant program for 2018-2019. Deacon Royce Winters of the Archdiocesan Office for African-American Pastoral Ministries announced this week that the following students would receive the grants: Garvin Billings, …
It was a hot time in ole St. Bartholomew Saturday night

The annual Cincinnati Square Dance sponsored by local Catholic young adult groups and Eagle Eye Ministry alumni happened this past Saturday, April 21st of this year at St. Bartholomew parish in Winton Woods (Cincinnati). Zeke Regula, the beloved centerpiece of the original Cincinnati Square Dance, was the square dance caller! …
Purcell Marian Names Brian Meyer as New Athletic Director

E. WALNUT HILLS – Purcell Marian High School announced the appointment of Mr. Brian Meyer as the new Athletic Director. Meyer joins Purcell Marian following five years as an athletic director with Cincinnati Public Schools, including two years at Clark Montessori High School, and three years at Western Hills. Meyer is …
St. Rita School celebrates unique Mass

St. Rita School for the Deaf celebrated the confirmation of one of its students April 13 with a unique Mass. Bishop Joseph R. Binzer presided at the liturgy during, which a young man named Roberto received the sacrament. Two years ago, the school enrolled the 15-year-old, profoundly deaf boy who …
New Rector announced at Athenaeum of Ohio/Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary

Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr announced today that Father Anthony Brausch will be installed as the thirty-sixth President of the Athenaeum and Rector of Mount St. Mary’s Seminary on May 13, 2018. Archbishop Schnurr thanked Father Benedict O’Cinnsealaigh for his seven years of leadership as President and Rector and for his …
World Day of Prayer for Vocations is this weekend

The purpose of the World Day of Prayer for Vocations is to publically fulfill the Lord’s instruction to, “Pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest” (Mt 9:38; Lk 10:2). As a climax to a prayer that is continually offered throughout the Church, it affirms the …
Today’s Video: A look at Grandparents Day at Historic St. Aloysius on-the-Ohio

On Wednesday, April 18, it was Grandparents Day at St. Aloysius on-the-Ohio School in Sayler Park. Check out the video below: