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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

By Sharon Semanie Connie McEldowney believes in her ministry’s motto so strongly that she had it tattooed on her arm: “Rustic Hope…Because Every Life Matters.” The mother of five biological and three adopted biracial siblings, McEldowney offers free support to pregnant teens before, during, and after delivery – in her …

“I thank them every other Thursday when I sign their paychecks,” my boss said, deflating an enthusiastic employee relations seminar leader, who was making the case for management demonstrating more appreciation for workers. He took a more humane approach than his comment signaled, but as a manager, he could have …

DePaul Cristo Rey High School Science Teacher Linsey McMullen is one of just 34 teachers from around the country named a Knowles Teaching Fellow by the Knowles Science Teaching Foundation. This five-year program supports early-career science and mathematics teachers to develop teaching expertise and lead from the classroom. McMullen, in …

More than 500 students and faculty from Roger Bacon High School fanned out all over the cities of Cincinnati and St. Bernard May to beautify their neighborhoods and serve the poor and vulnerable. They kicked off their day with prayer and reflection from Father Roger Lopez. As the Spartans do …

Many people reject religion and even leave the church today because they believe that religious faith is at odds with reasonable, scientific inquiry. You may have heard it before:      “I’ll believe in God if you can give me empirical proof that God exists.”      “How can I …

Mount Notre Dame student-athletes now have their own version of the famous Notre Dame grotto to visit and pray to in the corner of Sr. Dorothy Stang Field. Thanks largely in part to the MND lacrosse program, the Blessed Mother now rests in the southwest corner of the field. Varsity …

It’s May, and for many of us it is a very eventful month: First Communions, May Crownings, Graduations, Mother’s Day Celebrations, Memorial Day Cookouts, plus every day stress of work, home issues, etc. Don’t fret! We often consider all stress to be bad for us, but in this video Fr. …

A ‘common thread’ between sewing and service By Patricia McGeever Students who are learning to master a new skill have become the common thread between sewing and service.  “Common Thread” is the name of the sewing group at St. Catharine of Siena Parish in Westwood. Every other Sunday after the …

3rd Place, Trey Rouse and Daughter Marissa in Show us your Mary Garden.
Catholic Telegraph Mary Garden Photo Contest Who can enter? Any readers of “The Catholic Telegraph,” from anywhere in the country. What are we looking for? Photos of your garden featuring a statue of Mary or other Catholic statues, plantings, or elements. Enter as many photos as you like, as often …

Did you get your mother a card and some flowers for Mother’s Day? Well, that’s a great start, but loving and caring for your mom really needs more attention than a Sunday in May.  Moms are remarkable women. They have given us more than we can think or imagine. So, …