Author Archive
The Catholic Telegraph
Pope Francis Prayer Intention for May 2024

For the formation of religious and seminarians We pray that religious women and men, and seminarians, grow in their own vocations through their human, pastoral, spiritual and community formation, leading them to be credible witnesses to the Gospel.
Polarization and the Eucharist

Recognizing the potential challenge of what it means to love our neighbors amid the divisiveness accompanying the election season, the Catholic Social Action Office for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati has partnered with Glenmary Father Aaron Wessman, GHM, to present a six-part series titled “Our Eucharistic Mission in a Polarized World.” …
Two Men Ordained Transitional Deacons for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

On April 27, 2024, Bishop Fernandes ordained two men to the transitional diaconate at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. This ordination is one of the final steps Kevin LeMelle and Adam Lewis will take before being ordained to the priesthood next year. …
Mary, Ark of the Covenant

I have heard of many titles for Mary, but one I do not understand is “Ark of the Covenant.” What does that mean? The designation of Mary as “Ark of the Covenant” may seem puzzling at first, yet this lesser-known title for the Blessed Virgin is rooted in scripture and …
Fr. Endres Receives Jerome Award from Catholic Library Association

Rev. David J. Endres, Ph.D., the Dean of The Athenaeum of Ohio and Mount St. Mary’s Seminary and Professor of Church History and Historical Theology at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary & School of Theology (MTSM), has received the 2024 Jerome Award from the Catholic Library Association (CLA). Fr. Endres will …
Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Vocations and Priestly Formation

In May 2024, I will complete my fifth year on the full-time faculty at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary & School of Theology (MTSM). This is in addition to the three years I taught as an adjunct. These have been the most satisfying eight years of my professional career. I should …
Keeping the meaning in a child’s first Communion

Editors Note: Here’s an article about First Communion that’s both timely and informative from 2009 ARCHDIOCESE — With first Communion season upon us, children will be soon be donning their finery for the joyous event as parents plan festive family gatherings to celebrate. But there is more to the occasion …
World Day of Prayer for Vocations April 21

Prayer for Vocations Almighty Father, You have created us for some definite purpose. Grant us the grace to know the path You have planned for us in this life and to respond with a generous “Yes.” Make our archdiocese, parishes, homes and hearts fruitful ground for Your gift of vocations. …
100 years! Celebrating a century of community at our home on Salem Avenue

On Aug. 28, 1923, Sisters of the Precious Blood were welcomed with the pealing of bells upon their arrival at the new motherhouse on Salem Avenue. Founded in 1834 in Switzerland by Maria Anna Brunner, Sisters of the Precious Blood first arrived in the U.S. in 1844 when three Sisters …
Seek the Lord for May 2024

Many families annually prepare a special May Altar in their homes to honor the Blessed Mother. This space, set aside with an image or statue of Mary and decorated with flowers and candles, is just one example of the various ways in which Catholics show their devotion to the Mother …