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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

It’s an hour drive to see a movie or eat at a fast food restaurant. But, the things most of us take for granted pale in comparison to the joy Franciscan Sisters (Tiffin) Marge Eilerman and Angie Kiel find through their ministry among the marginalized in Owsley County in eastern …

La Salle High School For more than 15 years, La Salle High School has served communities outside of Cincinnati as part of the Lasallian Youth Service Immersion Trip (LYSIT) program. During the summer of 2018, over 45 students and adult chaperones served Give Kids The World (Orlando, Fla.), St. Bernard …

DePaul Cristo Rey Assistant Principal Kerrie Katsetos and Spanish Teacher Michael Delaney accompanied five students to Nazareth Farm in rural West Virginia over the summer. Nazareth Farm is a Catholic community that transforms lives through a service retreat experience. The DPCR group worked with students from other schools on repairs …

Franciscan Father Blane Grein has been a priest for 56 years. Most of that time has been spent in mission work, for which the friar is grateful. “I feel I’m a very blessed individual,” he said. He originally hails from St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Carthage, and recalls an early …

It is really easy to come up with excuses not to go to Sunday Mass. Ask anybody that you don’t see there: I am too busy, no one will miss me, I’m not showing up if she/he is there, I do not agree with the church’s teaching on… You can …

A religious community devoted to caring for the most needy elderly has much reason to celebrate.This Saturday October 20th, the Little Sisters of the Poor will mark the 150th anniversary of the community’s arrival in the United States. St. Paul’s Home for Aged in Clifton is the second home founded …

Badin High School Badin High School’s annual “Summer in Solidarity” Christian Service outreach program in 2018 took 12 students to Solsberry Hill outside Bloomington, Ind.; six students to Nazareth Farm in Salem, W.Va.; and 13 students to the Dominican Republic. “Our Summer in Solidarity service program offers students the opportunity …

WASHINGTON (CNS) — Two U.S. Catholic leaders have called on Catholics to pray for victims of Hurricanes Michael and Florence, along with responders to these storms, and to donate to recovery efforts in the impacted areas. “Let us respond with prayer and personal generosity,” said Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of …

Curious about what was on the minds of Cincinnati Catholics June 8, 1831? You can read an ode to spring by Barry Cornwall. And if you are curious about what a man named O’Quinn was doing running for Mayor of Pau, France, in 1861, just turn to page 6 of …

Yesterday, Pope Francis declared Pope Paul VI and the slain former Archbishop of El Salvador, Oscar Romero, as saints – extolling them as witnesses of a Church turned outward toward the world, but still living lives of radical holiness. Yet for many that seems like such a far away ideal. …