Author Archive
The Catholic Telegraph
Archbishop Dennnis M. Schnurr: World Day of the Poor Nov. 18

October 2018 My Dear Friends in Christ, On November 18, the Church will once again celebrate a World Day of the Poor. In his message for the occasion, Pope Francis directs us to reflect upon what it means to “hear the cry of the poor” (cf. Ps 34). He exclaims: …
WPAFB Dayton Airforce base parish boasts active faith community

By Sharon Semanie Nine children are scheduled to be confirmed at Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB), in November. The celebrant, Archbishop Timothy Broglio does not represent the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, but rather the Archdiocese for Military Services (USA) in Washington, D.C., the sole endorser …
Dean appointments announced

The Archbishop’s Office has announced the following appointment of Dean: Reverend Bernie Weldishofer, Saint Andrew Deanery Reappointed for another term: Reverend Richard Walling, Saint Marys Deanery Reverend Christopher Worland, Dayton Deanery Reverend Kyle Schnippel, Saint Margaret Mary Deanery Reverend Michael Bidwell, Saint Lawrence Deanery Reverend Larry Tharp, Hamilton Deanery The …
Jubilarians 2018: Oldenburg Franciscans

80 years Sister Irvin Marie Kreimer Sister Irvin entered the Sisters of St. Francis on September 8, 1938 from St. Leo Parish, Cincinnati, and made final vows on August 12, 1944. She taught in the archdiocese at St. Aloysius School, Sayler Park; St. Peter School, Chillicothe; St. Peter School, Hamilton; …
Jubilarians 2018: Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur

75 Years Sister Ruth Ellen Evers Sister Ruth Ellen Evers worked with students for 36 years as an elementary teacher and principal at schools in Ohio and Arizona, including four years opening the Most Holy Trinity School in Phoenix, AZ with Sisters Dorothy Stang and Paula Marie Becker. After retiring, …
Jubilarians 2018: Adrian Dominican Sisters

70 Years Sister Therese (Thomas Frances) DeCanio, OP, a native of Chicago, graduated from Aquinas High School in Chicago in early June 1948 and entered the Adrian Congregation later that month. She professed her First Vows on December 31, 1949 and her Final Vows on December 31, 1954. Sister Therese …
High School Open House Calendar

The Summit Country Day School 2161 Grandin Rd., Cincinnati 45208 (513) 871-4700 Upper School Director: John Thornburg Students: 402 Colors: Blue & Silver Mascot: Knights Thursday, November 15, 6:30 p.m. Lehman Catholic High School 2400 St. Mary’s Ave., Sidney 45365 (937) 498-1161 Principal: Denise Stauffer Students: 200 Colors: …
Jubilarians 2018: Sisters of the Precious Blood

75 years Sister Berenice Janszen Born in 1925 in Cincinnati, Sister Berenice (M. Edward) Janszen has led a varied and devoted life of ministry, with roles in teaching, pastoral care and chaplaincy. A graduate of Regina High School in Norwood, Ohio, she joined the Sisters of the Precious Blood in …
Jubilarians 2018: The Marianists

Father Norbert Burns, SM – 75 years Fr. Burns was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio, where he attended elementary school at St. Ignatius and high school at St. John’s High School in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He attended scholasticate at Mount St. John in Dayton, Ohio, and professed first vows on …