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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

An international experience that helps foster growth in solidarity with artisans and farmers and their families around the world will open its doors Saturday, Dec. 1, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at UD’s River Campus, 1700 S. Patterson Blvd., across from the Carillon Tower. Beautiful hand-crafted items for home …

Father Jeffrey Kirch, CPPS provincial director, accepts the promise of Greg Evers as his temporary incorporstion (Courtesy Photo)
Greg Evers is now in advanced formation with the Missionaries of the Precious Blood after his temporary incorporation into the congregation, celebrated on Aug. 18. “God is constantly calling us – today marks a step forward in Greg’s journey,” said Father Jeffrey Kirch, provincial director, as he welcomed community members, …

An exciting opportunity is being made available at the Cathedral of Saint Peter in Chains – the placement of a Pieta, which will be here for a preview beginning December 8. Save the date and plan to join them for the 11:30 a.m. Mass and unveiling that day. For more information on ArteDivine, …

Pictured from left are Father Larry Hemmelgarn, provincial director; newly ordained Father Matt Keller; Bishop Joseph Charron, who presided at the June 9 Mass; and Father William Nordenbrock, moderator general. (Courtesy Photo)
Father Matthew Keller was ordained to the priesthood on June 9 in his home parish of St. John the Baptist in Maria Stein. Bishop Joseph Charron, a fellow Missionary of the Precious Blood, presided. Bishop Charron told Father Keller to be fearless in his new role as a priest, and …

Crosses destroyed at Miami University on Oxford Ohio (Courtesy Photo)
Students at Miami University tear crosses out of Cemetery of the Innocents Display November 14, 2018, (Cincinnati, OH): Students at Miami University’s Oxford campus have vandalized the Cemetery of the Innocents Display three times since it was put up on Monday, November 12th by Miami University Students for Life America …

By Sharon Semanie When musical artist Jackie DeShannon recorded the lyrics to “What The World Needs Now Is Love” in 1965, she couldn’t have envisioned that a tenacious group of women in Shelby County would put those words into action decades later. An estimated 100 women from the Holy Angels …

  75 Years Sister Maureen Donovan A native of Iowa, Sister Maureen Donovan spent her active ministry years as an educator in Ohio and Michigan. She first ministered as a primary school teacher at the following Archdiocesan schools: St. Patrick, Cincinnati (1945-’50); St. Aloysius, Fayetteville (1950-’51); Resurrection, Cincinnati (1951-’55); and …

It’s Thanksgiving dinner. You look around the table and see, once again, your beloved, dysfunctional family. While you would like to imagine that you and your family are the perfect, loving family, around this turkey is a spicy mix of selfishness, negativism, pride, and a pinch of bitterness. I offer …

60 Years Sr. Jeanette Johnson, OSU For over 47 years Sr. Jeanette was an elementary school teacher that included St. Vivian Finneytown, St Henry in Cincinnati and St. Louis in Owensville. During those years she also taught religious education in various parish in the St. Martin Deanery area. In 1975 …

Moving Forward Charlotte suffered years of abuse at the hands of her husband. The violence stopped when she called police and pressed charges. The police took her to the Family Justice Center where she developed a safety plan while police searched for her husband. Once he was behind bars and …