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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

Maria Stein Shrine announced that they received nearly 400 entries in their coloring contest! Last year they received 161. The winners are listed below. They gave out two prizes per age due to the overwhelming response received (a children’s nativity set). Every coloring page we received is currently on display …

By Marilyn Kerber, SNDdeN The recent archdiocesan Jubilee celebration gave me pause. Looming large for me was the seeming low attendance, to my way of thinking, as well as those who did not RSVP, even after a telephone call. And then there were the four who did not show. These …

One of Cecilia Brendel’s favorite works is that of Father Angelo Caserta. (Courtesy Photo)
Father Angelo Caserta celebrates his 100th birthday today. Father Angelo was born in Piqua Ohio and attended Saint Boniface school. He was ordained on February 24, 1945. Here’s a reprint of Walt Schaefer’s Article from April 2015: Father Angelo Caserta, at 96 the oldest active priest in the Archdiocese of …

By Walt Schaefer The Price Hill neighborhood, founded primarily by German-Catholic families migrating to the high ground from Cincinnati’s West End, has changed in recent years. Yet the “Beacon on the Hill” promises to shine for years to come. The Gothic spires of St. Lawrence, known as the Mother Church …

THE POPE’S PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR 2018 ENTRUSTED TO THE POPE’S WORLDWIDE PRAYER NETWORK (APOSTLESHIP OF PRAYER) Evangelization: In the Service of the Transmission of Faith That people, who are involved in the service and transmission of faith, may find, in their dialogue with culture, a language suited to the conditions …

Sister Marian Ruede A Mass of Christian Burial for Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Marian Ruede was celebrated Oct. 22 in the motherhouse chapel. Sister Marian, 88, died Oct. 18. She was a Sister of Charity for 71 years. A native of Jackson, Mich., Sister Marian’s ministries included 27 years …

La temporada de Adviento, en la cual entramos en diciembre, es un período de espera vigilante en preparación para el Nacimiento del Señor en Navidad. En esto, como en tantas cosas, la Iglesia es contracultural. ¡Algunas tiendas han estado decorando para Navidad desde antes de Halloween! Es común cada año, …

The season of Advent, which we enter in December, is a period of watchful waiting in preparation for the Nativity of the Lord at Christmas. In this, as in so many things, the Church is counter-cultural. Some stores have been decorating for Christmas since before Halloween! It is common during …

Q: Was Christ born on Dec. 25 in the year A.D. 1? A: We cannot be sure of the day and month, nor the year, of Jesus’ birth. Many scholars date the Nativity to several years before the traditional first year of the Lord (Anno Domini or A.D. 1) This …

“I was born dirt poor on a dirt floor. I lived in a small shack with aluminum walls and an aluminum roof. No running water, no electricity, a bed and a bucket… When I was four years old, my parents decided to come to the United States.” This is how …