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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

SIDNEY, OH | December 14, 2018 – Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati has approved the appointment of Joshua J. Ater as the new President of Lehman Catholic High School. This appointment launches the new administrative model. The current Principal/CEO, Mrs. Denise Stauffer will move into a …

Each year, Old Saint Mary’s Parish on the Saturday before the Third Sunday of Advent, the faithful set their alarms early so they can attend the Rorate Mass. The Rorate Mass is lit only by candlelight. Because it is a votive Mass in Mary’s honor, white vestments are worn instead …

Here are some quotes from St. John of the Cross on his Feast Day: On aging: “In the twilight of life, God will not judge us on our earthly possessions and human successes, but on how well we have loved.” ― Saint John of the Cross On one’s journey: “If …

On February 28, 2019, four will be honored as Great Living Cincinnatians at the Duke Energy Convention Center. One is Sister of Notre Dame de Namur’s Rose Fleming. Today we look back at her story 5 years ago. Xavier University’s student athletes are known for their skills on the court …

The future looms as we near the end of another trip around the sun. And while it is deck the halls time, it also behooves us to look at the year ahead. Prepping for the celebration of Christ’s birth, we should ask ourselves how we’re going to build our spiritual …

Archbishop Dennis Schnurr unveiled the replica of the Pieta at a special Mass Dec. 8 in St. Peter in Chains Cathedral, downtown Cincinnati. You can see the full-sized replica of Michelangelo’s Pieta right now as the statue is available for viewing. This statue is a marble casting made from a …

How do I report the sexual abuse of a minor by a cleric or other representative of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati? Please report any suspected abuse on the part of any agent of the archdiocese to the appropriate civil authorities, typically the prosecutor’s office in the county in which the …

MTCES Junior High Teacher Amanda Ocartz and and Chariman Brian James represented the school at the Blue Ribbon Ceremony in Washington D. C. (CT Photo by David Moodie)
Two Catholic schools in the archdiocese were among those from throughout the country to be named 2018 National Blue Ribbon Schools. The announcement was made Oct. 1 by U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos. The award was established in 1982 to recognize public and nonpublic elementary, middle, and high schools …

The Cincinnati Men’s Conference will be held at St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish on June 15, 2019: A perfect half-day bonding experience for fathers and sons on Father’s Day weekend. This year’s theme is Being A Family Man. Early Bird ticket specials available now, which make the perfect Christmas gift for …

Columbus, OH –Standing together with Ohio’s leading pro-family organizations, the Right to Life Action Coalition of Ohio (RTLACO) today issued their strongest support for House Bill 258, the Ohio Human Heartbeat Protection Act. Sponsored by Representatives Christina Hagan of Alliance and Ron Hood of Ashville, the legislation is poised to …