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The Catholic Telegraph
Vocations Calendar for March/April

Friday, March 15, 2019 – Sunday, March 17, 2019 Called to Love Vocation Retreat Sisters of St. Joseph the Worker in Walton KY Young women ages 18 – 32 For more information go to Text/Call Sister Patricia Dean, SJW, Vocation Director at (859) 912-4405 Friday, March 15, 2019 – …
Today’s Video: Celebrating Fish Fry Fridays

Each year a cast of thousands throughout the Archdiocese of Cincinnati work many long hours during Lent at their parish Fish Fry. Here’s a tribute to their hard work, and the joy of Fish Fry Fridays with family. Check out the video: For The Catholic Telegraph’s comprehensive Fish Fry Guide, …
Celebrating the faith and ministry of women religious

The contributions of women religious are countless and diverse, whether they live cloistered lives in contemplative prayer or serve on the frontlines of global change. National Catholic Sisters Week (NCSW), an annual celebration that takes place March 8-14, provides the opportunity to recognize all they have done and draw awareness …
Fish Fries offer food, fellowship and fun

By Erin Schurenberg During the Lenten season, the opportunities for food, fellowship and fun abound at area fish fries. Most happen weekly for the first six Fridays in Lent. Other fish fries are more likely to be one-time events. With the occasional rare exception, such as that of St. Anthony …
Sisters respond to call for help at border

Their mission statement reads, in part, “We Sisters of the Precious Blood pro-claim God’s love by being a life-giving, reconciling presence in our fractured world.” With these words on their hearts, Sisters Ann Clark and Marita Beumer joined fellow volunteers, including other women religious from the archdiocese, in ministering at …
After Work and School Ash Wednesday Mass Times

Here’s a listing of Ash Wednesday Mass Times after 6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. St. John Fisher Newtown 6:30 p.m. Church of the Resurrection Bond Hill Immaculate Conception Botkins (Liturgy of the Word with Distribution of Ashes) Immaculate Conception Celina Our Lord Christ The King Mount Lookout St. Aloysius on the Ohio …
Today’s Video: The Significance of Ash Wednesday

They may just be ashes, but Fr. Mike points out that what they represent goes far beyond mere dust of the earth. With a simple cross on the forehead, we are recognizing that we are far from perfect, but that God loves and redeems us—not despite our brokenness, but in …
Seek the Lord for March by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr

The Light is On for You on Tuesday, March 19, is a special day set aside in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati to receive God’s forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The name of this initiative reflects the reality that the Sacrament of Reconciliation, also known as Confession or Penance, is …
Catholics should seize the moment to rock their ashes

As Catholics, we like anonymity. We like to blend into the crowd. We don’t wear yarmulkes like Orthodox Jews, or plain clothes like the Amish. We can generally go unnoticed. Until Ash Wednesday. With that big, ashen cross on our foreheads, everyone knows who we are. It’s a sign that …
Obituary: Fr. Thomas J. Beischel

Fr. Thomas J. Beischel, C.PP.S., 92, died at 4:30 a.m. on Monday, March 4 in the infirmary at St. Charles Center, Carthagena, Ohio, where he made his home. He was born May 31, 1926 in Cincinnati, to Victor and Edith (Frey) Beischel. He served in the U.S. Army as a …