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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

Q: In the case of a federal judicial appointee, adherence to Catholic dogma was criticized during the confirmation proceedings. What exactly is a dogma? Do other religions have them? A: A dogma is a belief handed down as true by an authority. We frequently think of dogmas in matters of …

She practically danced into the doctor’s office for her standard ultrasound appointment. When the sonographer placed the transducer (the handheld device that transmits the sound waves) onto her abdomen, nothing unusual was anticipated. But after some time, the technician informed her there was no heartbeat, and the baby was measuring …

NEW YORK (CNS) — The hard-hitting, fact-based drama “Unplanned” (Pure Flix) dares its viewers to confront the reality of what happens when a baby is aborted. That’s an effective strategy on the part of co-writers and directors Chuck Konzelman and Cary Solomon, not least because the peculiar institution of our …

Father Gerard J. Witsken A Mass of Christian Burial for Father Gerard J. Witsken was celebrated March 22 at St. Teresa of Avila Church. Father Witsken, 76, died Feb. 18. A native of Cincinnati’s Western Hills, Father Witsken attended St. Teresa School, Elder High School, Xavier University and Mount St. …

Pope Francis Prayer Intentions for April Doctors and their Collaborators in War Zones For doctors and their humanitarian collaborators in war zones, who risk their lives to save the lives of others.

The staff at The Cathedral worked many hours to decorate the altar. (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
Quick, grab your phone, open your calendar app, and mark this date: April 20, 2019. That’s the date for the liturgy of all liturgies, the greatest and most noble of all solemnities: The Easter Vigil. I love the Easter Vigil. There’s really no better way to seize the Easter season …

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati celebrated the Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion in Cincinnati and Dayton on March 10 with those who will be welcomed into the Catholic faith at Easter. Father Jan Schmidt presided at the celebrations at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains, with Bishop …

Bishop Binzer and members of the Central Offices of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati ready for the 2019 Findlay Market Opening Day Parade. (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
The Cincinnati Reds were the 1st Major League Baseball team in 1869. Celebrating 150 years, the Archdiocesan Central Offices, Mascots from our Catholic High Schools, and the Drum Line from Purcell Marian High School marched in the 100th Findlay Market Opening Day Parade. In 1869, Archbishop John Baptist Purcell led …

The phrase “dark night of the soul” is thrown around quite a bit in Catholic circles, but what does it mean exactly? In this video, Fr. Mike Schmitz explains precisely what is happening in our souls when we feel this kind of spiritual darkness, and he encourages us to hang …

Estamos a mitad de la Cuaresma, y las tiendas a están ofreciendo dulces de Pascua y ventas de ropa de Pascua. Esto es natural. Todos queremos saltarnos la muerte y llegar a la resurrección. Quizás ese deseo es aún más fuerte en tiempos difíciles. Y estamos viviendo en tiempos difíciles. …