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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

Members of the newly elected Leadership Council of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati are: (from left) Sister Patricia Hayden, president; Sister Marge Kloos, councilor; Sister Joanne Burrows, councilor; Sister Teresa Dutcher; and Sister Monica Gundler. (Courtesy Photo)
Delhi Township, Ohio – The Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati announced that the delegates of the 2019 Chapter elected Sister Patricia Hayden as president of the Congregation. Sisters Monica Gundler, Marge Kloos, Joanne Burrows and Teresa Dutcher were elected as councilors. The newly elected Leadership Team will serve a term …

Update: (COLUMBUS, Ohio)—Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announced that he has signed Senate Bill 23, the Human Rights and Heartbeat Protection Act, as passed by the Ohio Senate and Ohio House of Representatives. The bill will become effective 90 days after filing by the Secretary of State. UPDATE: Ohio Governor Mike …

By Sean Ater – The game of baseball is a great analogy for an evangelizing parish. We love the analogy so much that we built our evangelization process around the analogy. One analogy that we can make between baseball and an evangelizing parish has to do with the critical role …

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph The bright lights of national media rarely focus on Division III college basketball, but on Nov. 2, 116 members of said media were credentialed for a Mount St. Joseph University women’s basketball game. The attention had little to do with the actual contest between …

Why do Catholics wave palms on Palm Sunday, wash each other’s feet on Holy Thursday, or kiss the cross on Good Friday? Check out Busted Halo’s Holy Week in 3 minutes at

For more information on Catholic Inner-Cities Schools Fund, click here

Devon Steinriede
By Walt Schaefer Devon Steinriede is about to embark on a dream come true to secure the education he so desires. Steinriede has been awarded Mount St. Joseph University’s Achievement Schol-arship, an honor bestowed annually to one DePaul Cristo Rey (DPCR) senior who meets strict eligibility guidelines. He was chosen …

Lehman Catholic Science Olympiad Team members who participated in the Regional Science Olympiad. Back Row: Casey Topp, Mary Deafenbaugh, Joshua George, Rebecca Sanogo, Ann Deafenbaugh, Nicholas Largent and Aaron Topp. Front Row: Lexy Casillas, Joe Ritze, Max Schmiesing, Angela Brunner and Emily Bornhorst. Not Pictured: Elias Bezy, Jacquie Schemmel and Michael O'Leary.
Sidney, Ohio: The Lehman Catholic Science Olympiad Team competed in the Regional Science Olympiad held Saturday, March 16, at Piqua High School for students from Shelby, Miami, Montgomery, Preble and Champaign counties. Lehman Catholic placed 6th out of 20 competing teams, 5th out of the competing schools and walked away …

The Athenaeum of Ohio is pleased to offer two summer courses beginning this May: “Biblical Theology of Creation” taught by Dr. Matthew Genung, and “Preambles of Faith: The Writings of Flannery O’Connor” taught by Dr. Tracy Jamison. Classes will be held evenings from May 20th through June 20th. “Biblical Theology …