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The Catholic Telegraph
A Question of Faith: Has revelation ended or does God continue to reveal Himself to us?

Answer: If God’s revelation to humanity ended with the death of St. John, the last apostle, how was other information (which is not necessarily in the Bible) revealed to Church fathers and teachers? Does this kind of revelation continue today? In God’s divine plan, he slowly revealed himself to humanity, …
Today’s Video: Looking for a new start

On this Ascension of the Lord weekend, we recall in Acts 1: When he had said this, as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him from their sight. While they were looking intently at the sky as he was going, suddenly two men dressed …
Obituaries for May

Father Angelo Caserta A Mass of Christian Burial for Father Angelo Caserta was celebrated May 21 at St. Boniface Church in Piqua. Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr presided. Father Caserta, 100, died May 12. He was the oldest surviving priest in the archdiocese. A native of Piqua, Father Caserta attended Piqua …
Rome pilgrimage to center around Blessed John Henry Newman

Father Thomas Wray, priest of the archdiocese, will lead a pilgrimage to Rome in October in honor of Blessed Cardinal John Henry Newman. The pilgrimage will take place Oct. 8 through 15. Newman’s beatification was officially proclaimed by Pope Benedict XVI in 2010 during his visit to the United Kingdom. …
Pope Francis Prayer intentions for June

POPE FRANCIS’ PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR 2019 ENTRUSTED TO THE POPE’S WORLDWIDE PRAYER NETWORK (APOSTLESHIP OF PRAYER) The Mode of Life of Priests That priests, through the modesty and humility of their lives, commit themselves actively to a solidarity with those who are most poor.
Meet Chaminade Julienne Graduate Dave Cotton

Kairos retreat impacts Chaminade Julienne grad Dave Cotton readily admits that as an eighth grader on his high school search, Chaminade Julienne (CJ) “wasn’t at the top of my list.” After shadowing there, however, he was drawn to the school’s diversity, welcoming atmosphere and the fact that the teachers are …
Letter from Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr on the devastating tornadoes

May 31, 2019 Dear Friends in Christ, You are undoubtedly aware of the devastating tornadoes that hit areas near Dayton and western Ohio overnight Monday and into Tuesday morning. Three of our churches sustained damage to greater or lesser degrees; thankfully no one was injured at the parish locations. However, …
Meet Catholic Central Springfield Graduates Adelaide and Hannah Taylor

Catholic Central grads follow family tradition Attending Catholic Central High School in Springfield was truly all in the family for twins Adelaide and Hannah Taylor. Their grandparents and father are alums; older sisters, Katie and Erin, graduated in 2013 and 2016, respectively; and younger sibling, Mackenzie, is a member of …
Busca al Señor por el Arzobispo Dennis M. Schnurr

Junio marca el final del año escolar y el comienzo de la temporada de vacaciones. Este verano, les invito a hacer algo de vacaciones que puede ser nuevo para ustedes – ir a la iglesia y no solamente para la liturgia. Es, por supuesto, un precepto importante de la Iglesia …
Seek the Lord by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr

June marks the end of the school year and the beginning of the vacation season. This summer, I invite you to do something on vacation that may be new to you – go to church, and not for the liturgy alone. It is, of course, an important precept of the …