Author Archive
The Catholic Telegraph
A Father’s Day Prayer

God our Father, We give you thanks and praise for fathers young and old. We pray for young fathers, newly embracing their vocation; May they find courage and perseverance to balance work, family and faith in joy and sacrifice. We pray for our own Fathers around the world whose children …
Feeling like you’re not good enough

My life’s greatest regret happened during a baseball game my nine-year-old son was playing in. It’s a day I hate to remember, and yet I can’t forget it. Bottom of the last inning, my son’s team was up by one run, with runners on second and third base and two …

RUSSELLS POINT, Ohio, June 13, 2024 – The American Society of Ephesus (“ASE”), in cooperation with ArtSpace/Lima, has announced that its state-wide Design Competition for the new Our Lady of Fatima Shrine at Indian Lake will start accepting entries on Saturday, June 15, 2024. The Entry Form and Rules are …
Out and About in the Archdiocese for June 2024

1) Catholic Residential Services Prom Saint Ursula Academy students were honored to host the annual Catholic Residential Services (CRS) prom! CRS is a non-profit agency dedicated to fostering the spiritual, moral, intellectual and physical growth of people with developmental disabilities. The prom was filled with conversation, dancing, crafts and a …
Taking the Eucharist to Heart

In the history of the Catholic Church, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, colloquially called Eucharistic ministers, are a recent development. The Second Vatican Council opened the door for lay people to assist in distribution of communion, and Eucharistic ministers have become commonplace in the decades since. In Catholic high schools, …
Set Aside Time for the Eucharist

As I pondered what to say about the Eucharist for this issue of the magazine, I found that I was at a loss for words—I mean that both figuratively and literally. What can I possibly say that those well versed in the study of the Eucharist and theology have not …
Book Review: Popcorn with the Pope

Popcorn with the Pope: A Guide to the Vatican Film List provides exactly what the subtitle suggests: an eclectic collection of movies created in March of 1995 by Pope St. John Paul II. A great lover of the arts, in explaining his rationale for the list, he wrote: Since the …
Seek the Lord for June 2024

“Do this in memory of me.” Jesus first spoke these words to His disciples as they gathered with Him in the Upper Room to eat the Passover meal on the eve of His Passion. He continues to speak these words to us at every Mass, at the end of the …
Ohio’s Dorothy Stang to be the first American woman included in Vatican memorial for modern martyrs.

A month before the 20th anniversary of her martyrdom, Sister Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN, will be honored by the Community of Sant’Egidio in Rome, Italy. At a public ceremony on January 10, 2025, Stang’s story will join those of martyred Christians from across the world at the Church of San …
Sister Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN

Key Dates Born June 7, 1931, in Dayton, OH – one of nine children in a German/Irish farming family Attended Julienne High School in Dayton Joined the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1948 Taught 3rd grade at St. Victor School in Calumet City IL (1951), Grades 4 and …