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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

by Rebecca Sontag Oh, wait! Somebody just pulled up. It’s a white SUV. They haven’t gotten out yet, but they’re still there. They’re definitely looking.” Deacon Chuck Wright, the director of evangelization and catechesis at St. John the Baptist Church in Tipp City, quickly jerked the cord pulling up the blinds …

Composer and pianist Eric Genuis played hope and grace into existence before a crowd of more than 50 inmates at Lebanon Correctional Institution on Oct. 23.

By Michelle Dushensky Acts of mercy occur every day—and are often overlooked. But when sharing God’s mercy becomes a way of life rather than an occasional occurrence, it’s impossible not to take notice. Since 2016, Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio (CCSWO) has recognized individuals and groups in the greater Cincinnati area …

A total of 33 Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati celebrated special anniversaries with the Community in 2019 with years of commitment ranging from 60 to 75 years. The women represent 2,020 total years of service in the Cincinnati Archdiocese, in dioceses throughout the United States and beyond. Diamond Jubilarians, marking …

60 Years Sister Mary Louise Averbeck, RSM (formerly Sister Mary Laetare) Sister Mary Lou grew up in St. Martin Parish in Cheviot and attended Mother of Mercy High School. Her years of ministry as a Sister if Mercy have been in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, teaching junior high students in …

On Nov. 24 this year, the universal Church celebrates the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, more commonly known as the Feast of Christ the King. Pope Pius XI instituted this feast in Dec. 1925 by the promulgation of his encylical, Quas Primas, written in the …

60 Years Father William Beuth, C.PP.S. Fr. Beuth, a native of Springdale, Pa., entered the Society in 1946 and was ordained on May 31, 1959. Fr. Beuth has served as a missionary to Peru and Guatemala for most of his life as a priest. After his ordination, Fr. Beuth served …

Sister Jean Masterson, age 76 years, of Cincinnati, OH, a Sister of the Congregation of St. Joseph for 58 years, died Nov. 16, 2019. Sister Jean ministered as a teacher at Immaculate Heart of Mary, Guardian Angels, and St. Thomas More elementary schools, as well as teacher and administrator at …

Virtue = Strength (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
Growing up Fr. Mike thought prayer should be like soaking in a hot tub. He didn’t understand why it was so hard when he tried it. Check out the video below!