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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

By Wayne Topp For many young adults, parishes are an enigma. They experience them as young children, and some may have been involved in their high school youth group. Then they went off to college. Half of those involved teenagers stayed engaged in their faith, while others simply “took a …

Gail and Scott have a son who started exhibiting difficult behaviors by the age of three. As he grew, he showed an assortment of extreme issues such as defiance, agitation, high anxiety and even delusions. Getting him to attend school and do homework became increasingly difficult, and ultimately he was …

Students in the ABLE program at Holy Rosary School in St. Mary's, OH.
Photo & story by Susie Bergman Holy Rosary Catholic School in St. Mary’s is a special place. It’s not only, the only, Catholic school in Auglaize County, but it is also the only ABLE (Academic and Behavioral Learning Enrichment) environment between Lima and Dayton. Additionally it’s the only ABLE environment …

The Xavier University Dementia Care Summit is designed to bring together care partners, family members, and professionals to spark dialogue around important issues for persons with dementia. Strategies for life satisfaction, meaningful daily activities, social interactions, and independence will be shared. This year’s theme focuses on engaging persons with dementia …

Pope Francis accepts resignation of Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio’s Episcopal Vicar for Veterans Affairs WASHINGTON, DC—The Press Office of the Holy See made public this morning that the Bishop of Rome has accepted the resignation tendered by the Most Reverend Richard B. Higgins who celebrated his 75th birthday on February …

We go through our pep talk every time I take the kids out. “What do we need to show the world?!” I shout to the back of the van. Then comes their battle cry, “That children are blessings!” A couple years ago, I started telling my sweet kids that even …

The Epiphany of Our Lord is the Christian feast observed on Jan. 3, 2021. The word “epiphany” comes from the Greek epiphainen, a verb that means “to shine upon,” “to manifest,” or “to make known.” Thus, the feast of the Epiphany celebrates the many ways that Christ has made Himself …

By Erin Schurenberg An important action before us as Catholics is to talk about our faith and take back our story,” said Deacon Nathan Beiersdorfer on his faith-based podcast, “The First Word.” “Taking back the story” could describe the trajectory of Nathan’s own Catholic journey. After graduating in 1995 from …

By Margaret Swensen When I spoke with Paul Melia on the phone in July, I told him I wanted him to be the first featured artist in what I hoped would become a series of videos on Catholic artists living and working within the archdiocese. He humbly accepted and warned …

Sponsored by the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, and the Knights of Columbus, the Warriors to Lourdes pilgrimage takes place each May in Lourdes, France during the International Military Pilgrimage. Non-wounded, wounded, ill or injured military personnel who are selected to attend will travel from the United States and …