Author Archive
The Catholic Telegraph
2024 National Eucharistic Congress

National Eucharistic Congress ends with prayer for ‘new Pentecost’ for U.S. Church By Courtney Mares Indianapolis, Ind., Jul 21, 2024 / 14:00 pm The National Eucharistic Congress concluded Sunday with a Mass with tens of thousands of people in an NFL football stadium, where the crowd prayed for “a new Pentecost” …
Family Embarked on Spiritual Journey

Benjamin Knoop, a recent graduate from LaSalle High School, embarked on a transformative pilgrimage in March that deepened his faith and solidified his spiritual foundation. He and his family visited several sacred sites in Austria that brought profound moments of spiritual reflection. “My family’s pilgrimage to Austria in March 2024 …
Prayer for the Nation

God our Father, Giver of life, we entrust the United States of America to Your loving care. You are the rock on which this nation was founded. You alone are the true source of our cherished rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Reclaim this land for Your …
Mothers of Priests

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, and especially the mothers of priests gathered here today, as we celebrate the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, we are reminded of the profound impact these apostles had on the early Church. Like them, mothers of priests play a crucial role in nurturing …
Strike out Hunger at the Reds Game

ENJOY A GAME AND HELP FEED STRUGGLING FAMILIES Join St. Vincent de Paul, the Cincinnati Reds, WLWT, and 700 WLW in Striking Out Hunger this summer at Great American Ball Park! Three canned goods = 1 ticket to a future Reds game! MOST-NEEDED ITEMS This summer, our most-needed food items …
Book Review: Parenting The Complex and Beautiful Vocation of Raising Children

Amid a sea of self-help books, one has emerged where the Christian parent can find solace, encouragement and great advice. Whereas many texts help the faithful discern priesthood, marriage, consecration or other spiritual life as laity, few focus specifically on Christian parenting. Parenting: The Complex and Beautiful Vocation of Raising …
Stations of the Cross

What are the origins of the Stations of the Cross? When were they first placed in churches? The Stations of the Cross, also known as the Way of the Cross and the Via Crucis, is a Christian devotional practice that commemorates the events of Good Friday, specifically Jesus’ journey from …
Taking Christ Our Light to the People

by Matt Hess, photo by Danny Schneible Luke recounts to his readers that after Jesus’ death, two of His disciples embark on a journey. Jesus draws near to these friends and walks in their midst, though they do not initially recognize Him. They only became aware of His presence among …
On Sacred & Remarkable Friendships

My 14-year-old son, Liam, fixed his eyes on mine and tearfully choked out, “Mom I want to go home.” On the surface, his comment made no sense. We had just returned home the day before from Tennessee, where Liam got to visit his long-distance best friend. I never saw that …
Photo Essay: Jesus is Here!

July 7 coverage of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. More than 650 people packed into St. Lawrence Church, Price Hill on Sunday morning for 11 a.m. Mass. Following Mass, the faithful spent time with the Lord in adoration before departing for a Solemn Eucharistic Procession. The …