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The Catholic Telegraph
Seize the Moment: That Time the Apostles Were Quarantined
The apostles were once under a mandated quarantine. It’s true. You can read all about it in the first two chapters of the Book of Acts. After Jesus rose from the dead, he appeared to the Apostles over a period of 40 days. Then, he ordered them to stay in …
Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr Sends Letter to Alter High School Family
Dear Members of the Archbishop Alter High School Family, Recently a decision was made to not renew the annual contract of a long-time and highly valued teacher at Archbishop Alter High School. This development has naturally precipitated a great outpouring of sadness and anger, as this teacher was very obviously …
Mary Garden of Mercy: Growing in Purpose
by Rebecca Sontag The first known garden to be officially dedicated to the Virgin Mary bore little resemblance to the idea of the “Mary Garden” we know today. It was not filled with purely ornamental flowers, decorative topiaries and manicured nooks punctuated here and there with lovely statuary. This particular …
Question of Faith: What is Spiritual Communion?
Q: Since public Masses have been canceled, a friend encouraged me to practice “spiritual communion.” I wasn’t sure what that meant. Can you explain? A. The practice of “spiritual communion,” as a means of drawing close to Jesus even when we cannot receive the Eucharist, has deep roots in the …
A Prayer for Workers on the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker
O glorious Joseph! Who concealed your incomparable and regal dignity of custodian of Jesus and of the Virgin Mary under the humble appearance of a craftsman and provided for them with your work, protect with loving power your sons, especially entrusted to you. You know their anxieties and sufferings, because …
Whom Shall I Send, and Who Will Go For Us? Catholic Social Services Provides Health Transportation to Seniors
by Mark Danis Mahatma Gandhi said, “A nation’s greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members.” The onslaught of the coronavirus has exposed the frighteningly fragile support structure for a vulnerable segment of our society: the elderly. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports the highest percentage of …
Pope Francis Prayer Intentions for May
Pope Francis Prayer Intentions for May For Deacons We pray that deacons, faithful in their service to the Word and the poor, may be an invigorating symbol for the entire Church
The Role of Family in God’s Designs From “House Churches” to the “Domestic Church”
by Father Robert J. Hater The old black rosary hangs on the headboard of the bedroom once occupied by my father and mother. More than 60 years ago my father brought it home, a gift from a Marianist brother who gave it to him for Christmas. It’s been there ever …
Set The Banquet Table to Prepare Family Style Meals for Distribution
Local Agencies Working Together to Respond to Community Food Needs Dayton, Ohio – April 2020 — In a coordinated response to address the food needs of the Miami Valley, SBT Chefs, a division of Set The Banquet Table, is prepping an inventory of bulk, family-style meals to be served through …
Catholic at Home: Seize the Hope Set Before Us
Weeks have now turned to months of living with COVID-19. We’re adapting from total upheaval to the “new normal” of living with an infectious disease in the area; and the big shifts we’ve made to keep life going in our own ways are, in a word, unprecedented. School and work …