Author Archive
The Catholic Telegraph
Xavier University is planning for a return to campus for the Fall 2020 semester
ADJUSTED FALL SEMESTER SCHEDULE FOR XAVIER UNIVERSITY As we continue to follow the CDC and Federal, and State guidelines, we are planning to welcome students back to campus and to teach in-person in August. In response to the best available information, we will be shifting our semester forward to begin …
Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley Creating Partnerships to Serve
by Mike Lehner Inspired by the call of the Gospel, Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley (CSSMV) has served the poor, the hungry, the elderly and the disadvantaged for almost 100 years. From Montgomery County to the northernmost reach of the archdiocese in Auglaize County, CSSMV has emerged as …
A Closer Look: Say Hello in there, Hello
Social distancing in my family, with six children at home, has been less about loneliness and more about trying to find a place in the house to be alone. While, of course, there are challenges, my days of “isolation” have been filled with all sorts of interactions (and distractions) with …
Being Pro-Life: The Dignity of Humanity Behind Bars
Lyle is Catholic and attends Mass each week. He is pursuing a Bachelor of Specialized Studies degree through Ohio University. Several magazines have published his writing, and he recently co-authored his first book. He is surrounded by several friends who have taught him the value of patience and mercy. The …
Seek the Lord by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr
Welcome to the inaugural edition of The Catholic Telegraph magazine! I am delighted to introduce this old friend in an attractive new format. In the 189 years since Bishop Edward Fenwick founded this publication as the voice of the local Church, it has taken many forms – weekly, bi-weekly and …
¡Bienvenido a la edición inaugural de la revista The Catholic Telegraph! Estoy encantado de presentar a este viejo amigo en un nuevo formato atractivo. En los 189 años desde que el Obispo Edward Fenwick fundó esta publicación como la voz de la Iglesia local, ha tomado muchas formas – semanal, …
Community service and faith leadership earn numerous awards for Badin students
Badin High School has earned the Emerald Award from the United Nations Association of the USA and InnerView, organizations devoted to the value of community service and sustainable world goals. Badin received the award for the 2019-20 school year after its students participated in some 3,000 service activities and earned …
Memorial Day Prayer: With Gratitude and Honor
Gracious God, on this Memorial Day weekend, we remember and give thanks for those who have given their lives in the service of our country. When the need was greatest, they stepped forward and did their duty to defend the freedoms that we enjoy, and to win the same for …
Archdiocese of Cincinnati Public Masses begin Memorial Day, May 25
Guidelines for the Resumption of Public Worship: Guidelines for the Resumption of Public Worship Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Over the past eight weeks, the Bishops of Ohio have met on a regular basis to discuss recommendations and requirements put in place by the State of Ohio and the medical …