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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

Religious Freedom Week 2020: For the Good of All Adoption and Foster Care Pray That children waiting to be placed in a loving home and the caregivers who selflessly serve those children will find strength and support from the Church. Reflect Caring for ‘the orphan’ is a demand of the …

Bobby Angel has a two-year-old son, and works at an all-boys school with seventh graders. He discusses some wisdom he has gained while striving to raise a good man, and helping to raise good men.

Religious Freedom Week 2020: For the Good of All Religious Minorities in China Pray For the freedom of the Church in China, and that the rights of all religious minorities would be respected. Reflect Under the Chinese Communist Party, Chinese citizens have limited religious freedom.  Since 2013, religious persecution has …

LAFAYETTE, Tenn.— On June 26, three men will profess their Final Oath, becoming members of the Glenmary Home Missioners community for life. The following day all three will be ordained as transitional deacons by Bishop of Nashville, Tenn., J. Mark Spalding. Both the Final Oath Mass and Mass of Ordination …

by Christine Rousselle Washington D.C., Jun 23, 2020 / 11:00 am MT (CNA).- Evangelizing countries where the faith has been watered down and resolving the ongoing financial crisis in the Vatican are challenges which will extend past the reign of Pope Francis, author George Weigel said on Monday. Weigel was …

Religious Freedom Week 2020: For the Good of All Respect for Houses of Worship Tuesday, June 23 Pray That people of all faiths would be free to worship without fear of attacks and harassment. Reflect Houses of worship provide spaces for people to step back, often with fellow believers, and …

Today’s Video looks at St. Thomas More, the patron saint of lawyers, St. Thomas More died when he he chose God’s law over that of King Henry VIII.

Religious Freedom Week 2020: For the Good of All Freedom to Serve in Health Care Pray That governments would respect the consciences of the Little Sisters of the Poor and all Christians who care for the sick and vulnerable. Reflect For centuries, the Church has carried on the healing ministry …

Sister Frances Mary of the Sacred Heart Schoenung, SNDdeN June 22, 1930 – February 8, 2020 Sister Frances Mary was born Marguerite Rose Schoenung. She and her twin sister were the fourth and fifth children and eldest daughters of what would grow to be a household of 12 children, two loving …