Author Archive
The Catholic Telegraph
Frank Riley Being a Faithful Catholic Teen

by John Stegeman For incoming Chaminade Julienne senior Frank Riley, his first teachers of the Catholic faith were his parents, Angela and Joseph, who helped him and his older brother, Will, grow into young men with a strong devotion to the Church. For as long as he can remember, his …
Summer Renewal For Educators

One very excited group of Catholic educators from the archdiocese pilgrimaged to the heart of Italy in June. There, they learned more about our Catholic faith, grew in community with their colleagues and took a little time to simply enjoy “la dolce vita”—the good life. “This experience was, without a …
Reflecting Faith Designs

by Patricia McGeever The tragic loss of a baby is taking a young couple in a new direction to grow their family. It’s also led a young mother to create a business to help others who want children. Melanie and Andrew Adams have a three-year-old son, Joel. After three miscarriages, …
Mental Wellness

By Patricia McGeever Eight years after experiencing what was likely the worst day of his life, Bob Considine is working to help people who suffer with mental health issues. His youngest son, Ryan, battled depression and anxiety and died by suicide in 2016 at age 25. “You live with that …
I Finally Get Joy in Suffering

The idea of joy in suffering is a pretty tough pill to swallow. It’s one I’ve wrestled with for years because, although it’s hard to perceive light in the dense fog of trials, Jesus and the saints say it is possible. I’m challenged to search beyond formidable sadness, grief, confusion—everything …
Back to School Should be a Time of Joy, Not Fear

August begins the annual ritual of children dragging their parents to the shopping mall for new clothes, backpacks and sneakers, in preparation for their return to classrooms, playgrounds and athletics fields. The nervous anticipation of going “back to school” is as common to the American experience of growing up as …
Prayer for Students

Lord our God, in your wisdom and love you surround us with the mysteries of the universe. Send your Spirit upon these students and fill them with your wisdom and blessings. Grant that they may devote themselves to their studies and draw ever closer to you, the source of all …
Why and How to Create a Genealogy Timeline

We’ve researched where to find birth, baptismal and death certificates, census documents and other records. Now, let’s organize the data into a genealogical timeline! WHY A FAMILY HISTORY TIMELINE? It is an important research tool that can aid in the where, when and why of our ancestors’ lives. The timeline …
Pope Francis Prayer Intentions for August 2024

For political leaders We pray that political leaders be at the service of their own people, working for integral human development and for the common good, especially caring for the poor and those who have lost their jobs.
Book Review; G K Chesterson’s The Everlasting Man

Dale Ahlquist is the greatest living expert on the life and literary legacy of G.K. Chesterton and both the longtime President of the Society of Gilbert Keith Chesterton and founder of the Chesterton Schools Network. Thus, it was perfectly appropriate for Word on Fire to select Ahlquist to guide readers …