Author Archive
The Catholic Telegraph
THE FINAL WORD with Beth Pettigrew

Youth ministry began at Sts. Peter and Paul Parish in Reading in the fall of 1998, and, soon afterwards, we began seeking opportunities for the compulsory “mission trip.” We didn’t have to look far. At the same time, our Parish Mission Commission was filing the paperwork to recognize a small …
ROYALMONT ACADEMY: Regnum Christi School Celebrates 25 Years of Catholic Education

by M.D. Pitman A quarter-century ago, Royalmont Academy was a small, grassroots Catholic school in Oakley. This year, the school celebrates its 25th anniversary at its Warren County campus in Mason. Growth of the pre-K to eighth grade Catholic school included forming the region’s first new Catholic high school in …
Serving Beyond Borders: St. Xavier Students Continue to Reach Out to Those in Need

by Ellen Gormley In 2019, St. Xavier High School students served on 12 mission trips around the U.S. and Costa Rica. While COVID-19 led to the cancellation of all 2020 summer mission trips, students and community service director, J.K. Klaiber, continue to innovate in creating service opportunities for students. Students …
A Mission Call for Global Solidarity to Radiate Christ, Archbishop Schnurr’s Message for World Mission Month

St. Pope John Paul II was certainly a blessing to our Church and world. His love for God’s people blossomed in the 1970s, joining with workers as a cardinal in Communist-controlled Poland. “Solidarność” or “Solidarity” was the name of the labor union he strongly supported. He educated global supporters to …
DPCR Welcomes New President: Catholic High School Welcomes Siobhan Taylor to Lead School

by Margee Garbasch DePaul Cristo Rey High School (DPCR) begins a new academic year with a new president leading the school. DPCR’s Board of Directors and the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, sponsors of the school, have named Siobhan Taylor as DPCR’s second president. A Cincinnati native, Taylor is a …
Celebrating World Mission Sunday: Lay Missioners Adapt to Changing Needs in Ministry

by Eileen Connelly, OSU Their faith initially brought Brian and Kathleen DeRouen together as graduate students at the University of Dayton and ultimately let the couple to a hilltop house in West Virginia where all are welcomed with compassion and open arms. Brian originally hails from the San Francisco Bay area; Kathleen …
St. Rita School for the Deaf: Celebrating 105 Years of Impacting the Community!

Cincinnati, OH: October 2020 – On October 16, 2020 at 10:30am, St. Rita School for the Deaf will be celebrating the 105th anniversary of our founding. Over 120 students and staff will gather on the field next to the school to release 105 biodegradable balloons in honor of impacting our …
Celebrating World Mission Sunday: Serving the Navajo Nation in Challenging Times

by Eileen Connelly, OSU In describing her ministry to the Navajo people, Sister of the Blessed Sacrament Zoe Brenner simply says, “I’m just doing what God is calling me to do.” But there is much more to it for the Reading, Ohio, native who entered religious life in 1966. Her …
School News: Badin senior Logan Hage named National Merit ‘Commended Student’

Badin High School senior Logan Hage has been named a Commended Student in the 2020 National Merit Scholarship Program. Hage scored in the top five percent of the more than 1.5 million students who entered the 2020 scholarship competition by taking the 2019 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test in …
Father Gene Contadino: A Legacy of Social Justice and Love for Christ

by Eileen Connelly, OSU Marianist Father Gene Contadino may have retired as pastor of St. Francis de Sales Parish in East Walnut Hills on Aug. 23, but his heart remains with the faith community and school he came to cherish during his 10-year tenure. “I’m sure in my head that …