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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

The theme of this issue of The Catholic Telegraph is “Care for Creation.” For this column, however, I’m changing the preposition and writing about “Care of Creation” to preserve the notion that we are mandated to care for creation—to cultivate, judiciously utilize and preserve natural resources. But by changing the …

The Catholic Church’s great tradition of sacred music can be found right here in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. From well-known favorites like Mozart’s Requiem and Handel’s Messiah, to lesser-known Peruvian baroque and plainchant by 14th-century nuns, the St. Gertrude Sacred Music Series is sure to amaze its listeners. “You will …

Providing an opportunity for his parishioners to experience the beauty of the National Eucharistic Congress (NEC) was vitally important to Father Matthew Robben, pastor at Family of the Most Holy Eucharist on Cincinnati’s west side. Many members of his churches (St. Antoninus, St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Our Lady of Lourdes, St. …

God created the heavens and the earth, establishing an ordered universe from what had been chaos. Among all that exists – the land and sea, the trees and flowers, the birds, fish and animals – man and woman stand out as those creatures created in God’s own image and likeness. …

Cincinnati Reds’ pitcher, Brent Suter, drew great fanfare when he returned to his hometown after playing for the Milwaukee Brewers and Colorado Rockies. Currently in his ninth year with Major League Baseball, the Moeller High School and Harvard University grad finds real joy in playing ball with a “great group …

Creator God, thank you for providing us with the gift to share our talents. Provide our community, our nation, our world the fortitude to provide work for all which is decent and fair. Make us faithful stewards of your creation to enhance the human dignity of our global family. We …

For the cry of the Earth We pray that each one of us will hear and take to heart the cry of the Earth and of victims of natural disasters and climactic change, and that all will undertake to personally care for the world in which we live.

Brent and Beth Schulze knew they wanted to raise their family on a farm, discussing their dream even when they were just dating. Brent grew up on a farm and knew the benefits of a life of hard work and simplicity. And Beth remembers, “My parents had an old barn …

St. Francis told his brothers to go to where the people gathered. In today’s world, that means sporting events. What a great place to evangelize! Father Casey takes you to GameDay when The Notre Dame Fighting Irish traveled to the University of Georgia to meet the Bulldogs in 2019.