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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

March 2, 2021 WASHINGTON– On March 2, Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades of Fort Wayne-South Bend, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on Doctrine, and Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City in Kansas, chairman of the USCCB’s Committee on Pro-Life Activities, issued a statement on the …

Father John “Rob” Jack, who teaches systematic theology at the Athenaeum of Ohio/Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West, is well known for encouraging and hearing confession at every parish he travels to and in his many parish missions, recorded talks, and programs for Sacred Heart Radio. He shared the …

Virtue = Strength (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
By CNA Staff CNA Staff, Mar 2, 2021 / 12:43 am MT (CNA).- A plenary indulgence is a grace granted by the Catholic Church through the merits of Jesus Christ, Mary and all the saints to remove the temporal punishment due to sin. The indulgence applies to sins already forgiven. …

Sacrament of Reconciliation Let us pray that we may experience the sacrament of reconciliation with renewed depth, to taste the infinite mercy of God.

Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation Monday, effective Feb. 28. (CNS)
By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Saying he no longer has the strength to exercise ministry over the universal church, Pope Benedict XVI announced Feb. 11 that he would be resigning at the end of the month. “After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I …

La cómoda ilusión de que el cambio de página del calendario hace todo nuevo fue destrozada para los estadounidenses a principios de enero. Después de un año marcado por una pandemia mundial, la interrupción civil y millones de empleos perdidos, 2021 comenzó con un terrible disturbio mortal en la sede …

We often receive the behavior we are willing to tolerate, but what does that mean for our daily interactions?

ADRIAN, MICHIGAN —February 8, 2021—Sister Marie Therese Emery, formerly known as Sister Thomas More, died on Friday, February 5, 2021, at the Dominican Life Center in Adrian, Michigan. She was 97 years of age and in the 74th year of her religious profession in the Adrian Dominican Congregation. Marie Therese …

by Courtney Mares Vatican City, Feb 24, 2021 / 04:15 am MT (CNA).- Pope Francis expressed his condolences on Tuesday after three people were killed in an attack on a United Nations convoy traveling in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Luca Attanasio, the Italian ambassador to Congo, died of his …