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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

Easter Lillies greeted the faithful as they entered the historic St. Peter in Chains Cathedral. (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
8:00 a.m. St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish, Liberty Twp Ohio 9:00 a.m. Bellarmine Chapel at Xavier University, Cincinnati Ohio 11:00 a.m. Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains, Cincinnati Ohio 11:00 a.m. St. Helen & Immaculate Conception Parish, Dayton Ohio 11:45 p.m. The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate …

The doctor reluctantly dialed the number. A patient had suffered terrible injuries playing baseball, and he needed to inform the young man that his prognosis was grim. As the phone rang, the doctor searched for a gentle way to deliver the news. He decided to tell a joke: Patient: “Doctor, …

WASHINGTON- The bishops along the border of the United States and Northern Mexico have issued a joint statement on the situation at the border of the two countries. Their joint statement follows: As U.S. and Mexican bishops along the border, we witness daily the dilemma that our migrant sisters and …

Parishioners hold candles for the Easter Vigil in the Holy Night at the Cathedral of Saint Peter in Chains in Cincinnati, Holy Saturday, March 31, 2018. (CT Photo/E.L. Hubbard)
7:45 p.m.: The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington D.C. 8:45 p.m. Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains, Cincinnati Ohio.

Live streaming from 4:15pm – Contemplation of the Holy Shroud of Turin.

by Michelle Dushesnsky Death is not a lighthearted topic of everyday conversation. Yet, it is something that unites us as human beings. All of us will face death – and, in the meantime, all of us will experience the death of loved ones. Regardless of the circumstances, losing someone is …

by John Stegeman When in a cemetery, people speak in hushed tones and maintain a certain decorum. It’s almost as if it is hardwired into humans to respect the final resting places of our fellow men and women. While all burial places deserve that level of respect, Catholic cemeteries have …

St. Augustine’s Parish Cemetery is an essay in local history written in marble and granite. The monuments, headstones and small chapel hint at the lives and experiences of those who rest there. The cemetery’s land, set aside in 1836 on the south side of Minster, is one of the oldest …

Death is a part of life. It may be paradoxical to say but is undeniably true. We cannot escape the reality that we will all face death – both ourselves and those we love. Yet we live much of our lives ignoring this basic fact. We distract ourselves away from …

I have heard that Pentecost is the Church’s birthday, but I have also heard that Good Friday is when the Church was born. Which is correct? The Church is the family of God; she is the body of Christ. Because the Church is truly a body, she has a birthday, …