Author Archive
The Catholic Telegraph
Dioceses begin easing masking, social distancing restrictions

Washington D.C., May 17, 2021 / 18:00 pm America/Denver (CNA). Some Catholic dioceses have begun updating their COVID protocols for public Masses, as federal public health officials have introduced new guidance. The new guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), issued on May 13, states that …
Seven new Priest for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

Today, May 15, 2021, seven men were ordained to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr celebrated the Mass and conferred the Holy Orders of Priesthood. Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio, from the Archdiocese for the Military Services, concelebrated the Mass. The seven new priests were given …
Returning to the Eucharist with Joy

After five years away, I am happy to return to writing for The Catholic Telegraph; however, I am even happier that many people are returning to Mass after the lockdown precipitated by the pandemic. While observing safety precautions, people are returning gradually to the Eucharist, even if things don’t quite …
Growing Numbers

Open houses, shadow days and “a very positive buzz” surrounding McNicholas High School in Cincinnati are drawing students to the school in record numbers, according to Anne Jones, director of communications and marketing at McNicholas. The school’s current enrollment of 487 has seen a steady increase over the past year …
Educational Foundations: CISE Preschools Prepare Urban Children for Success

Every day, Jennifer Hagood’s 5-year-old son, Ricole, says a prayer. “He doesn’t pray for toys. He prays for the people he loves,” she explained. “He sends everybody’s name up to God.” Hagood attributes her son’s concern for others to the solid foundation in both his education and faith-based values he …
The Final Word: Our Lady of Charity: My Heavenly Mother

Growing up Catholic and Cuban-American in the Bible Belt of the Deep South in the late 1960s proved challenging. I experienced the awkwardness of passing on that tasty Sloppy Joe sandwich on Fridays and the humiliation of being picked up early from slumber parties because my parents couldn’t wrap their …
Live! Ordination of Priest, Saturday May 15, 11:00 a.m.

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati will ordain 7 Priest on Saturday, May 15th at 11:00 a.m. at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains in Cincinnati. Join us as we celebrate Edward Hoffmann, Aaron Hess, Michael Kapolka, Anthomy Marcelli, Scott Morgan, Elijah Puthoff, and Louis Jacquemin ordination into the priesthood.
Maria Emmerich: Chaminade Julienne Volunteer

Chaminade-Julienne High School Senior Volunteers with her Mother at Food for the Journey. Volunteers are like gold to a nonprofit agency. When they find one willing to take on the work that needs to be done, they’ve found a treasure. That would describe Maria Emmerich, 18, a senior at Chaminade …
Metuchen seminarian killed in hit-and-run accident in New York City

By CNA Staff Metuchen, N.J., May 13, 2021 / 11:01 am America/Denver (CNA). A seminarian for the Diocese of Metuchen was killed Tuesday evening in a hit-and-run accident in Manhattan. Ngu Quoc “Peter” Tran, 29, was a first-year theology student at Immaculate Conception Seminary at Seton Hall University in South …
Fostering Vocations in Coldwater

by Susie Bergman Three Mothers of Priests from the Northern Archdiocese Share their Stories In northern Mercer County, nestled in a rural region of rich farmland, a different kind of fruitfulness has flourished. The Coldwater Cluster of Parishes, comprised of St. Mary, St. Anthony and Holy Trinity Churches, has produced …