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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

In 1851, a traveler to Cincinnati was stunned by the Catholic churches that dominated the fast-developing city. This wayfarer enthused, “I say freely: in no city have I observed such deep Catholicity.” Though there are few objective measures of how Catholic a place is, the deep faith found in our …

Father William Bishop (1885-1953) • William Bishop was born in Washington, D.C. to an affluent family and was gifted a chalice from a Justice of the Supreme Court at his ordination for the Archdiocese of Baltimore. • While serving in a parish for 22 years, Father Bishop grew in desire …

From its beginnings of helping immigrants and orphans, to now serving 10 counties in the northern part of the archdiocese and 20,000 people each year, Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley (CSSMV) has seen growth and gratitude for a century. This spring marked the organization’s 100th anniversary of service. …

In the archdiocese, there are “mother churches,” the first Catholic churches, for each region. In the East, that parish is St. Martin Church in Brown County. Thirty miles northeast of Cincinnati, Catholics began to settle in that area as early as 1820, though it was 10 years before the parish …

“It’s not perfect, but we are doing our best to make it work.” The bride-to-be did her best to appear cheerful during the marriage preparation meeting with her fiancé and me. The meeting took place over Zoom, not because of the pandemic, but because all three of us were in …

Holy, heroic, brave and bold: all words that describe the Sister of Charity of Cincinnati who could become Cincinnati’s first saint. Servant of God Sister Blandina Segale spent most of her life in Cincinnati but the Archdiocese of Santa Fe claims her as its own, too, and took the action …

How should a Christian react to “cancel culture”? Chances are that if you’ve been on social media or listened to the news in the past year, you’ve heard of “cancel culture.” Cancel culture is that practice of boycotting a person or group of people because of controversial actions or opinions. …

by Bonny Van When it comes to school competition, students put in their best efforts to help their team win. But, during the first week of May, former students from five all-girls Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati do the same in a competition off the field, called Girls’ …

Saturday, June 19, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati celebrated its bicentennial with Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains. Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr, who celebrated the Mass, shared stories from the diocese’s 200 year history. “The vast territory that had been assigned to Bishop Fenwick spanned not only …