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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

by Patricia McGeever Newly ordained Father Jonathan Jergens’ road to the priesthood wound through two war zones during a 13-year military career. As a teen in Miamisburg, he strongly desired to enlist in the Army after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. “Initially, I planned on serving four years and …

Among the more puzzling scenes in Sacred Scripture are the Caesar’s coin passages in the synoptic Gospels. Read in isolation, Jesus’ somewhat cryptic interaction with his inquisitors is difficult to understand. But when read in the context of St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans and through the lens of the …

In our archdiocesan “Prayer for Vocations,” we acknowledge that God has created each of us for some definite purpose. At the same time, we ask Him to bless the Church with women and men who faithfully live out their respective vocations with holiness, whether they be single, married, religious or …

On Monday, October 28, Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr released a letter to the faithful “to convey a difficult decision regarding our longstanding partnership with Girl Scouts in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati,” in which he informed the faithful that he has “instructed pastors of the archdiocese to discontinue their parishes’ partnerships …

Immigration refers to people entering a country to become permanent residents, and emigration refers to people leaving their current country to become permanent residents in another. Genealogists benefit because ship passenger lists usually record these movements, and naturalization, the legal process by which an immigrant becomes a country’s citizen, also …

Gracious and loving God, let your Spirit be with me today. Hear my  prayers, and increase in me the will to follow your Son Jesus. Help me to draw on the resources of my faith as I use the opportunities of our democracy to shape a society more respectful of …

In our current political climate, it is nearly impossible to avoid the vitriol and negativity that constantly bombard us. It’s also extremely difficult (if not impossible) to identify candidates who fully adhere to our values: Gospel values that respect all life and care, especially for the forgotten and marginalized. It …

Giving back is more than “just” an act of charity—it’s a reflection of our faith in action. Catholics support parishes, schools and ministries not only to sustain vital missions but also to strengthen the spiritual foundation for future generations. Multiple avenues offer financial contributions, including the Catholic Community Foundation, several …

En nuestra “Oración por las Vocaciones” arquidiocesana, reconocemos que Dios ha creado a cada uno de nosotros para un propósito definido. Al mismo tiempo, le pedimos que bendiga a la Iglesia con mujeres y hombres que vivan fielmente sus respectivas vocaciones con santidad, ya sean solteros, casados, religiosos o clérigos. …

Saints throughout the ages are known to have contemplated the mysteries of the faith while spending time in God’s creation. Two recent additions to St. Joseph Gardens, north of St. Joseph Catholic Church in North Bend, enhance this special place for such spiritual reflection. Effectively a private park, the seven-acre …