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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, “Once we experience the power of God’s love and recognize His fatherly presence in our personal and community life, we cannot help but proclaim and share what we have seen and heard. Jesus’ relationship with His disciples and His humanity, as revealed to us …

by Matt Hess Bill Fuller, Missions Committee President at Holy Angels in Sidney, knows that while things have been less active the past year and half due to the pandemic, the committee who coordinates the parish’s mission twinning efforts is ready to get their parish excited again to help their …

So, if you want to try praying the Rosary, where do you start? Busted Halo’s new 2-minute video has you covered. Learn about the history and tradition of the Rosary, how to pray, what it means to meditate on the Mysteries of the Rosary, and more!

Kwame was just 17 when he, along with his older brother and another childhood friend, were sentenced to death for the robbery and murder of a man outside a convenience store in Cleveland. The three had no criminal records, no physical evidence against them was found and credible eye-witnesses testified …

Ask most moms and they will tell you that any extra set of hands or help with their children is appreciated. For mothers who are doing everything on their own though, that extra help goes much further. That’s where the Walking with Moms in Need program can be a welcomed …

by Patricia McGeever Alan Millhouse has all the interests of a typical teenager. He plays second base on his baseball team. He plays basketball, soccer and the drums. Math is his favorite subject. He has a girlfriend, loves XBOX, and is starting his sophomore in high school. Alan, 17, also …

St. Peregrine Cancer Prayer Service October 10, 2021 at 4:30pm Please join us as we pray to St. Peregrine for his intercession for all those battling cancer, their care-givers, family and friends. The service will include relic veneration, testimony and scripture. The service will take place in the Adoration Chapel. …

I remember seeing the small plus sign on my pregnancy test, and a smile spread across my face. Stepping out into the buzzing activity of our home, I held up the test for Andrew to see. He was late on his way out the door to an evening meeting and …

by Alejandro Bermudez Denver Newsroom, Oct 2, 2021 / 00:30 am Oct. 2 is the feast day of the guardian angels, just three days after the feast of the archangels. These liturgical days provide a great reason to refresh your devotion to the angelic beings that surround us at every …

by Jonah McKeown Newark, N.J., Oct 1, 2021 / 15:44 pm A New Jersey federal judge ruled this week that the Archdiocese of Newark can be held financially responsible for the abuse committed by Theodore McCarrick, a disgraced former cardinal, according to one media report. According to a report from …