Author Archive
The Catholic Telegraph
Writing Icons with Luke

Our youngest daughter, Agnes, loves books! Whenever she can, she will pick up a stack of picture books and take them to the couch. Then she’ll go grab her blanket, climb up on the couch, scooch in close to us and listen to story after story. Our saint this month, …
Families of Parishes: Being a Synodal Church

This article is part of a series from Father Earl Fernandes exploring Families of Parishes. Click the links below to find other articles in the series. The Church as the Family of God Families of Parishes as Evangelizing Communities Synodality Walking with Christ, The Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary …
Vital & Vibrant

As the Beacons of Light process ramps up and parishes take a look at who is part of their new Family of Parishes, the faithful may wonder how it will work and what the end result will look like. But members of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati already have one beacon …
Why Capital Punishment is “Inadmisible”

A pending bill in the Ohio General Assembly, S.B. 103 (the “Bill”), if passed and signed by Governor DeWine, will abolish the death penalty in Ohio. Cincinnati Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr, on behalf of himself and all the Catholic bishops of Ohio, has submitted written testimony endorsing the Bill and …
The Disciple and the Con Man

I’ve written extensively in this space about my journey as a disciple: I’ve written about using a compliment on my beard as an opening to invite someone to church (July 2018). I’ve mentioned the faith conversations I get into on Ash Wednesday because of my dirty forehead (Mar. 2019), and …
Mission: Yesterday and Today

What we know and experience as “mission” today is different from the mission of 500 years ago, or even 80 years ago. Under the auspices of Vatican II, the Church’s definition of mission changed, stripping away the colonial mindset and replacing it with the local Church. When missionaries first arrived …
Faith For Life

Why do you support Church teaching on life issues? Perhaps becoming a parent opened your eyes to the reality of life in the womb. Maybe a loved one’s end-of-life struggle showed you the dignity of life at all stages. There are many good reasons to choose. For Vivian Koob, founder …
Hope and Healing for Infertile Couples

This month brings a new event designed to minister to couples suffering from infertility. On Oct. 16, the archdiocese will host its first St. Gerard Morning of Reflection for Infertile Couples at St. Ignatius Loyola Parish on the West Side of Cincinnati. The morning is made to lovingly receive couples …
Forming young Missionary Disciples

by Bonny Van The Missionary Discipleship Institute (MDI) at Marian University in Indianapolis, IN, began in 2017. The one week summer program “equips high school leaders, from rising sophomores to rising seniors, to become missionary disciples in their communities through the Church,” said Patrick Verhiley, Director of MDI. “[MDI] works …
Let your Service Shine: October 9

HOW IT ALL BEGAN More than two years ago, Sisters Georgia Kitt, SC, and Madonna Ratterman, CPPS, invited representatives of women’s and men’s religious congregations to meet and determine a joint project to celebrate the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s bicentennial. The group quickly agreed on a day of service. THERE FOR …