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The Catholic Telegraph

The theme, “Celebrating a Decade of Faith, Education and Vision,” set the stage for DePaul Cristo Rey’s 10th anniversary party and blessing of its transformed campus. The October 27 celebration included students, current and former school leaders and staff, as well as friends whose support helped make the new buildings …
Sisters announce Dorothy Stang Initiative for Laudato Si’ Action in response to Pope Francis’ challenge to address the climate crisis

Cincinnati OH – November 2, 2021 In his Laudato Si Encyclical Letter, Pope Francis challenges the global Catholic Church to vigorously respond to the need to care for God’s creation by addressing the climate crisis. In reply, we, the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, Ohio Province, have fully committed …
7 fascinating facts about St. Martin de Porres, the first black saint of the Americas

by Francesca Pollio Denver Newsroom, Nov 3, 2021 / 08:20 am On Nov. 3, the Catholic Church celebrates the feast of St. Martin de Porres, a Peruvian Dominican brother who lived a life of humble service and charity and became the first black saint of the Americas. Here are 7 …
Obituary: Sister Barbara Jean Backs

Backs, Sister Barbara Jean, 87, died peacefully Oct. 31 at Hospice of Dayton after a short illness. She was born July 1934 in Celina, Ohio, the 11th of 13 children. In 1951, she entered the Sisters of the Precious Blood Dayton, Ohio, and faithfully served God and His people for …
Your Spouse as a Cross?

My husband and I shuffled our kids into the pew Sunday morning and listened to a gospel we had heard dozens of times before: Then Jesus told His disciples, “If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever …
Brothers Converts Priest

For many, practicing the Catholic faith is a given. Their families were Catholic, they were baptized Catholics and they continued living out their faith as they grew up and established their own families. Others, however, choose to become Catholic and embrace what it means to be a member of this …
Natural Burial

CALVARY CEMETERY’S ST. KATERI NATURE PRESERVE Every family’s reason for desiring natural burial is different. “I’ve talked to about 400 families pre-planning burials in the St. Kateri Nature Preserve,” said Scott Wright, Community Outreach Director for Calvary Cemetery in Dayton. “Some are concerned about the environment, some don’t like the …
Civilize It! Modeling God’s Love in Our Interactions With Others

by Bonny Van When it comes to politics, Catholic leaders are encouraging the faithful to “Civilize It!” The initiative, developed in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati four years ago, is now taking on a national audience, thanks to a plug by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). Tony Stieritz, …
Pope Francis Prayer Intentions

For November 2021 People Who Suffer from Depression We pray that people who suffer from depression or burn-out will find support and a light that opens them up to life.