Author Archive
The Catholic Telegraph
Did you know? Saint Boniface Northside

by Emma Cassani and Gail Finke Four Chaplains Mass Held every February for more than 40 years, the Four Chaplains Mass at St. Boniface honors the chaplains (a priest, a rabbi, and two ministers) who died together on the SS Dorchester in 1943. The service includes color bearers from the …
A Question of Faith: Donating your Body to Science?

I am considering donating my body to science. What is the Catholic Church’s perspective? The question of anatomical donations, including donating one’s body to science, engages both the Church’s teaching about the human person and the related understanding regarding an individual’s freedom to discern and offer direction for how they …
Original Unity Part 1: Flesh of My Flesh

This article is part of an ongoing series on Pope St. John Paul II’s “Theology of the Body” (TOB). In previous articles, we saw how Pope St. John Paul II used the term “original solitude” to refer to the human search for identity. As we interact with the world around …
Vocation to Love

“Man cannot live without love. He remains a being that is incomprehensible for himself, his life is senseless, if love is not revealed to him, if he does not encounter love, if he does not experience it and make it his own, if he does not participate intimately in it.” …
Book Review: Eucharist by Bishop Robert Barron

I don’t know about you, but there came a point in my adult life when suddenly the Eucharist seemed perplexing and oddly foreign. I needed more ownership of something I had begun taking for granted. I needed a better understanding of why Jesus instituted the Eucharist. Thankfully, I started listening …
A Lifetime of Service

This year Sister Laura Will, C.PP.S. celebrates 75 years with the Sisters of the Precious Blood (Dayton) along with her classmates, Sisters Ruth Ann Meyer and Eva Roehrich, C.PP.S. Together, they mark 225 years of religious life, of which Sister Will says more than 125 years were spent in the …
The Absolute Best Part About Being Catholic

As the pastoral planning initiative Beacons of Light moves forward, Catholic Telegraph writers are meeting with its leaders to bring you the most up-to-date and accurate information, describe how decisions are made and clearly explain what to expect. Visit to sign up for the free Beacons Update newsletter. Nothing …
Called to Music

Music is a language like no other. Whether you speak English, Spanish, or another of the thousands of languages, music is a language that can speak to everyone. As Greg Pierson, a parishioner and Minister of Music at Mother of Christ Church in Winton Hills said, “It’s the language that …
Unless You Become Like Little Children

Just in time for his 90th birthday in September, Jesuit Father Thomas Kennealy, SJ had another reason to celebrate: the publication of his new book about a fellow Jesuit who he describes as “one of the greatest inspirations of my life.” Unless You Become Like Little Children focuses on the …
Obituary: Deacon Elmer H. Fischesser

Deacon Elmer H. Fischesser, a Deacon of the Archdiocese, died on Thursday, October 14, 2021, following an eight-month illness. He was 77 years old. Deacon Elmer was ordained June 20, 1987 by Archbishop Daniel E. Pilarczyk. His first assignment was at the New Jerusalem Community in Cincinnati. He completed an …