Author Archive
The Catholic Telegraph
A New Face in Catholic Identity

Recognizing the importance of a strong faith presence within our Catholic schools, Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr approved a new position: Deputy Superintendent of Catholic Identity. The search for the right candidate went far and wide until recently, when Joshua Agnew was hired to take on this crucial role. As a …
Book Review: Food for the Soul by Dr. Peter Kreeft

Generations of Boston College students have been profoundly influenced by the wisdom, intelligence and wit of philosophy professor Peter Kreeft. Countless readers have benefited from his voluminous writings. Bishop Robert Barron’s Word on Fire Institute is arguably the world’s most sophisticated and effective communicator of the New Evangelization. So, when …
Making Catholic Memories: The Farmer who became Pope

Have you ever wanted to interview a saint? If you could, who would you choose? And how do you imagine the conversation? Would the saint be witty and sarcastic? Would he be quiet and serious? Would she hit you with so much conviction that you would change your life forever? …
The Blessings of Catholic School

Before moving to Cincinnati, I worked three jobs so my four children could remain in Catholic school. “She must be crazy,” you might think – and many who dearly love us certainly thought we were. I don’t say this to paint myself as a martyr or look down my nose …
January 4: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton was the foundress and first superior of the Sisters of Charity in the United States. She was born to Episcopalian parents into New York City high society on August 28, 1774. Her father, Dr. Richard Bayley was the first professor of anatomy at Columbia College and …
Obituary: Father Carl Hawver, OFM

Fr. Carl Hawver, OFM, died Dec. 31 at St. Margaret Hall in Cincinnati. Fr. Carl was 78 years old and had been under palliative care for some weeks. A sensitive and caring friar, he was known for his love for singing, creativity and helping those he ministered to feel free …

Christmas is drawing to a close and with it the months-long holiday season. I admit that though I miss Thanksgiving, the joyful anticipation of Advent and the blessed Christmas season, my childlike giddiness lingers into January because it brings my birthday – and I absolutely love my birthday. Balloons, my …
Seek the Lord for January 2022

Catholic schools have a well-deserved reputation for providing a high-quality, holistic education and producing successful, well-rounded young scholars. The most important thing about Catholic schools, however, is that they are Catholic. Our mission is not to just graduate scholars, but to form disciples who desire to know, love and serve …
January 3: St. Gregory Nazianzen

St. Gregory was a Doctor of the Church, born at Arianzus in Asia Minor, probably in 325, and died in 389. He was the son of Gregory, Bishop of Nazianzus (329-374.) After his baptism at age 30, Gregory joined his friend Basil in a newly founded monastery. At 41, Gregory was …

Las escuelas católicas tienen una reputación bien merecida de brindar una educación íntegra de alta calidad y de producir jóvenes académicamente exitosos y plenos. Sin embargo, lo más importante de las escuelas católicas es que son católicas. Nuestra misión no es solo graduar eruditos, sino formar discípulos que deseen conocer, …