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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

by Gail Finke and Emma Cassani 1 Copper steeple 1 Wood reredos Distinctive modified Art Deco reredos combines a large central crucifix with smaller, elaborately gilded paintings of the Virgin Mary and St. John, each flanked with a decorative panel attached with hinges. During Lent the panels are closed. “Our …

Question of Faith: Why does the Church honor saints’ relics? What is their history and purpose? Reverencing saints’ bodies has a long tradition in the Church, from both regard for the human body and belief that the sacred can be mediated through the material. Scriptures share examples of Jesus’ power …

This week to celebrate the Cincinnati Bengals win on Saturday, we planned fun activities for our staff and students.

Before converting to Catholicism, Corynne Staresinic believed common misconceptions  derived  from “cheap caricatures” of Catholicism about women in the Church, particularly, the notion that a faithful Catholic woman’s destiny lays either in stern religious life or focused entirely on serving men and producing children. Staresinic had wondered how any woman …

Evelyn Waugh’s 1938 novel, Scoop is the fictional account of accidental reporter William Boot, sent from England to cover a fictionalized version of the Italo-Abyssinian war. Based on his own experience of covering the actual war, Waugh’s novel is a satirical – even cynical – send- up on journalism’s practices, …

Students from Royalmont Academy High School travelled to Washington, D.C. to participate in the March for Life. They participated in the March and also prayed on the steps of the Capital with Congressman Steve Chabot.

“There’s a new episode of The Chosen,” my husband said. In minutes the two of us were eagerly settled in the living room with our five children, ready for our favorite show. The kids’ questions during episodes range from “Is Jesus in this one?” to my favorite, “Why does Mom …

In Nov. 2021, Pope Francis video-messaged the Pontifical Council for Culture, which gathered virtually for its Plenary assembly. He lamented that the message could not be given in person because the digital universe makes everything “incredibly close but without the warmth of presence.” Our culture is being transformed, said the …

Labels don’t stick well to the Catching Foxes podcast. Categorized under Apple Podcasts’ Religion and Spirituality section, the show is broader than that. Its hosts discuss sacred art and beauty one week, the perils of hookup culture another, while the Marvel Cinematic Universe fills much of a third. With more …