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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

Simone Grace’s cheerful morning chatter about her activities and friends warms Luke Slonkosky’s heart daily as he drives his four-year old daughter to preschool at St. Philomena Montessori, a new school in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati dedicated on the saint’s feast day, Aug. 11. Members at Sacred Heart of Jesus …

St. Richard was orphaned at a young age. His brother inherited his parents’ estate after he was of age, but the death tax was so great that they were sent into poverty, and Richard had to work on his brother’s farm. He was set to be next in line to …

Most high school students are focused on schooling and outside activities like sports, clubs, work and various interests. For a Bishop Fenwick High School student and St. Maximillian Kolbe parishioner, one particular interest is a priority – connecting with his pen pal. Jacob Wells’ pen pal isn’t in a different …

Where I used to work, the phrase “world class” was thrown around often. It sounds like a noble goal, to be world class, but there’s a dilemma. How do you define world class? CONSIDER MUSIC. Yo-Yo Ma was a child  prodigy cellist, graduated from the Juilliard School and Harvard, recorded …

Joseph of Leonissa, OFM Cap.;  was the third of eight children born at Leonessa (Italy) on January 8, 1556. At baptism he was given the name Eufranio. Impressed by the example of Matthew Silvestri, who had left the medical profession to embrace the Capuchin life and whose holiness was evident, …

I’m a filmmaker by trade and philosopher by degree, thus I often procrastinate. One favorite procrastination method is mulling the question: What is the Catholic artist’s call — particularly the Catholic filmmaker— in society? Or rather, what is the filmmaker’s call, considering the call of Christians? When someone expresses a …

This article is part of an ongoing series on Pope St. John Paul II’s “Theology of the Body” (TOB).  In last month’s article, I mentioned how Pope St. John Paul II saw in the unity and distinction of our humanity as male and female a profound truth about what it …

Religious Sisters and Consecrated Women We pray for religious sisters and consecrated women; thanking them for their mission and their courage; may they continue to find new responses to the challenges of our times.

On a sunny, breezy November morning, as the leaves floated from the trees, the children at St. Bernadette School in Amelia were told they are called to be heroes. “Living good, holy lives of service is heroic,” said Father Tim Ralston at their weekly all-school Mass. The message delivered from …

The Catholic faith is a communal religion. It’s right there in the name, Catholic, which means universal. Being Catholic means having a relationship with God, the saints and our fellow believers in the pews. The Prayer Partner program at Guardian Angels Parish and School in Mt. Washington fosters this community, …