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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

by Jessica Rinaudo From Cincinnati, OH, to Corpus Christi, TX, Catholics are showing their support for the Cincinnati Bengals in this Sunday’s Big Game. Among the team’s top fans are two Sisters of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT). Sisters Mary Mediatrix and Maryam Caritas …

February 11, 2022 Around McNicholas, you will often hear the phrase, “Once a Rocket, Always a Rocket.” So when one of your own is about to play on football’s biggest stage, we don’t just cheer (though we’ve been doing a lot of that!). We act. To support 2004 McNicholas graduate …

by Sean Ater This article is the second in a series covering each of the six foundational principles of Beacons of Light, the pastoral planning process of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. “Let us be witnesses. Let us radiate Christ.” With these words, Archbishop Schnurr challenged the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s Catholic …

Prayer for the Sick: God of hope and healing, Be with those whose bodies burn with fever, rage with pain, struggle for breath, cry out for limbs that used to be, or crave addictive substances. Be with those whose minds and emotions face the wait of a diagnosis, wrestle with …

“Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful” (Lk 6:36). Standing beside those who suffer on a path of charity Dear brothers and sisters, Thirty years ago, Saint John Paul II instituted the World Day of the Sick to encourage the people of God, Catholic health institutions and civil society …

by Jessica Rinaudo With anticipation building for Sunday’s big game, Cincinnati Bengals fans are preparing to cheer and pray for their team at the Super Bowl this weekend. Among those praying is Father Tom Wray, Catholic chaplain of the Cincinnati Bengals. Father Wray has served as the Bengals chaplain for …

Archbishop José H. Gomez of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati are taking an active interest in this upcoming Sunday’s big game. Both archbishops are enthusiastically rooting for their home team and have even placed a friendly wager on the outcome, …

How brotherhood among alumni helps Moeller’s future students succeed Mary Fischer, director of alumni engagement at Moeller High School, calls them a band of brothers. Moeller Advancement Director Mike Volan, considers them the Moeller family. Alumni of Moeller are connected forever, they say. And at Moeller, as they are to …

by Benedict XVI Vatican City, Feb 8, 2022 / 05:01 am The following is the full text of a letter by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI addressing the report on abuse in the Archdiocese of Munich-Freising. This English translation of the original German text was released by the Vatican on Feb. …