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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

by Susie Bergman Growing up around Dayton, David Burkhardt frequently heard of the Maria Stein Shrine of the Holy Relics, but never explored it. In 2019, his wife, Somporn Mary, was diagnosed with lung cancer and, throughout her journey, he introduced her to the Catholic faith and reacquainted himself with …

by Father Robert J Hater, PHD How do parishioners cope with major changes occurring in their parishes? This question is especially significant when a member of the faithful is involved in parish affairs or has a long history with the parish. We all experience life changes. Some are rewarding, like …

by Matt Hess Blessed Solanus Casey is a man for our time. While never stationed in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, he labored nearby in Huntington, IN, and Detroit, MI. His love for those around him, simple living and trust in God make him a model for modern Catholics. The son …

How does the Church decide whether someone is a saint? Sometimes it is said that the Catholic Church “makes” someone a saint, but whether a person is a saint or not is decided by God, not the Church. At the same time, there is a lengthy Church process for declaring …

SIDNEY, OH | February 17, 2020 – The Lehman Catholic Science Olympiad team has competed, along with teams from New York to California, in two virtual invitationals this year. This year’s team consists of 15 students competing in 23 events. Lehman Catholic’s team placed 25th out of 87 teams at …

Among the more famous passages from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah is the anthem of the Seraphim who surround God’s throne and chant, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts! All the earth is filled with his glory!” (Is. 6:3.) It introduces a central paradox for Christians, because …

March brings us to Lent, that solemn season of the Church year in which we are called to prayer, fasting and almsgiving. It is also a time to reevaluate our lives, reflecting on how we can more perfectly radiate Christ as joyful witnesses. Given our fallen human nature, this is …

The friendly wager between Archbishop José H. Gomez of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati on the Big Game between the LA Rams and the Cincinnati Bengals was a big win for students in both Archdiocese, with more than $22,000 raised …

As a Protestant, my knowledge of saints was limited to the ones associated with holidays: St. Nicholas, St. Valentine, St. Patrick – and those were relegated to the realm of Santa Claus. It wasn’t until I discovered true Catholicism that I understood the saints as real people who faced adversities …

Marzo nos trae la Cuaresma, ese tiempo solemne del año de la Iglesia en el que estamos llamados a la oración, al ayuno y a dar limosna. Es también un tiempo para reevaluar nuestra vida, reflexionando sobre cómo podemos irradiar más perfectamente a Cristo como testigos gozosos. Dada nuestra naturaleza …