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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

Youth and parishioners are coming together at Our Lady of Lavang Vietnamese Community to both encourage each other and support the greater Cincinnati community. It began last fall when Father Vincent Pham Minh Châu, the parish priest, suggested reviving the church’s youth program. Twenty years earlier there had been a …

by Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, Mar 8, 2022 / 05:15 am Pope Francis on Tuesday named Father Frank Schuster as an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Seattle. Schuster, 50, will join fellow auxiliary Bishop Eusebio Elizondo and Seattle Archbishop Paul D. Etienne to serve more than a million Catholics in the western part of Washington …

Sister Theresa Rizzo, CPPS, 85, died peacefully on March 7 at Maria Joseph Center in Dayton. She was born February 1937 in Cleveland, Ohio, and entered the Sisters of the Precious Blood, Dayton, Ohio, in 1959. For 63 years she faithfully served God, His people and the Congregation. A Mass …

As Catholics, we love our saints. We have a patron saint for just about everyone. Barkeepers (St. Amand), fireworks manufacturers (St. Barbara), mule drivers (St. Limbania) and dog handlers (St. Hubert of Liege) all have their designated saints. Name an occupation, medical condition, state in life or source of difficulty …

Married only six months, we learned we were expecting our first child, but were both working at low-paying jobs while searching for full-time careers. Of course, the news brought complete joy and overwhelming excitement! But we admit to feeling stress too. Thousands of questions ran through our minds as we …

Years ago, Milwaukee’s auxiliary bishop spoke to the confirmation class at the parish where I was a youth minister and opened the floor to questions. A student asked, “What is the purpose and meaning of life?” Perhaps the youth tried to stump the bishop, who answered without missing a beat, …

DEAR BROTHERS AND SISTERS, Lent is a favorable time for personal and community renewal, as it leads us to the paschal mystery of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. For our Lenten journey in 2022, we will do well to reflect on Saint Paul’s exhortation to the Galatians: “Let …

The friendly wager between Jose H. Gomez of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati over the Super Bowl was a big win for students in both archdioceses. More than $22,000 was raised for tuition assistance scholarships for students. In addition to …

by Joe Bukuras Baltimore, Md., Mar 1, 2022 / 03:40 am Police are investigating vandalism at a Ukrainian Catholic cemetery near Baltimore on Feb. 23 that left 49 headstones overturned. The incident took place in the early morning hours, the day before Russia invaded Ukraine. “It’s very unfortunate,” the cemetery …

A Christian Response to Bioethical Challenges We pray for Christians facing new bioethical challenges; may they continue to defend the dignity of all human life with prayer and action.