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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

HELP KEEP OUR NEIGHBORS COOL We all know Cincinnati summers can be extremely hot and humid. We see the dangerous and uncomfortable impact firsthand during our home visits. Apartments and smaller homes often have poor ventilation and offer no retreat from the scorching heat. Without access to a fan or …

 Job Title: Gift Processing Coordinator      Reports to: Senior Development Manager Hours: 40 hours/week Location: SVDP’s Liz Carter Center Background: St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati (SVDP) has served residents of greater Cincinnati for over 150 years with basic needs such as food, medicine, and homelessness prevention through the agency’s outreach …

MARIA STEIN, Ohio (May 31, 2022) – Please join us as we celebrate Don Rosenbeck’s Retirement from the Maria Stein Shrine of the Holy Relics. On Saturday, June 18th the 10 am Mass will be in honor of Don. There will be an Open House to follow 11 am – 3 …

Sister Dorothy Beach, SNDdeN (Formerly Francis Mary) July 25, 1921 – October 12, 2021 Upon graduating from Trinity College, and coming from a military family, Sister Dorothy enlisted in the female section of the U.S. Naval Reserve known as WAVES in 1943 to help the war effort. When the war …

by John Stegeman Hundreds of people participated in the 2021 Marian Pilgrimage that traveled from Russells Point, OH, to Downtown Cincinnati in celebration of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s bicentennial. The 300-mile walk over 33 days was more than a public witness of our region’s Catholic faith—the sight of the Blessed …

This article is the fifth in a series covering each of the six foundational principles of Beacons of Light, the pastoral planning process of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. “My need to give is more important than the parish’s need to receive.” A few years ago, I heard a priest share …

Families We pray for Christian families around the world; may they embody and experience unconditional love and advance in holiness in their daily lives

Archdiocese of Cincinnati priest, Fr. Earl Fernandes will be consecrated and installed as Bishop of the Diocese of Columbus tomorrow afternoon at 2 p.m.

For many dioceses, a new bishop means a transfer: the bishop moves from one diocese to another. But for others, like the Diocese of Columbus, their new bishop is a priest who must first be ordained to the episcopacy. That is the case for Bishop-elect Earl K. Fernandes, whose episcopal …

“Everyone who knows Father Earl Fernandes has a Father Fernandes story.” Admitting that he is one of hundreds privileged to have associated with Father Fernandes before he was assigned as the Bishop of Columbus, Father Ethan Moore said his connection to Father Fernandes began when he was only a teenager. …