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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

WASHINGTON – In response to the Supreme Court of the United States issuing its ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore, chairman of the USCCB’s Committee …

The Catholic Bishops of Ohio are encouraged by the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. This is a positive step toward a desperately needed conversion to a culture of life in our country, one that respects the inherent dignity and sacredness of every human being …

What is the current U.S. law regarding abortion? Roe v. Wade (1973), Doe v. Bolton (1973), and especially Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992), prevent states from restricting abortion prior to viability (the time at which a baby can survive outside the mother’s body). This is generally considered to be at 24 weeks of …

To download the PDF, click: September Kids Page This feature originally appeared in the September edition of The Catholic Telegraph Magazine. For your complimentary subscription, click here.

One of the most influential Catholics in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s 200 year history, Daniel Rudd was a man of deep faith, zeal for justice and untiring activity. He founded the first Black Catholic newspaper, American Catholic Tribune (ACT), and the National Black Catholic Congress. Through a worldview influenced by …

by CNA Staff Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Jun 17, 2022 / 15:20 pm The FBI is asking for the public’s help as it investigates attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers and churches. “The FBI is investigating a series of attacks and threats targeting pregnancy resource centers and faith-based organizations across the country,” …

This article is the sixth in a series covering each of the six foundational principles of Beacons of Light, the pastoral planning process of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son” (Jn.3:16). During His ministry on Earth, Jesus revealed this love …

“Pro-life” is not just a slogan or even a philosophy; it is the Christian way of life that respects, defends and promotes what Pope St. John Paul II called “the dignity of every human person, at every moment and in every condition of that person’s life” (Evangelium vitae 81). This issue …

“Pro-vida” no es sólo un eslogan o incluso una filosofía; es el modo de vida cristiano que respeta, defiende y promueve lo que el Papa San Juan Pablo II llamó “la dignidad de cada persona humana, en todo momento y condición de su vida” (Evangelium Vitae 81). Esta edición de …