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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

Who are role models? Dictionaries say they are people others look up to as positive examples. Most of us can name at least one person we identify as a role model in our life. This is true for McNicholas High School theology teachers, Jeff Hutchinson-Smyth and Mary Beth Sandmann. Alumni …

When I look at photos of my children at summer’s beginning and then turn to the quickly-growing people standing before me at the school year’s start, I’m always taken aback. I shouldn’t be—after all, over summer everyone goes up a shoe size or two. It’s bittersweet to watch our children …

Kelley Schiess became Head of School at Summit Country Day School (The Summit) July 1 of this year, the first woman in that position since the school became a co-educational institution in 1972. After a 13-year career at Xavier University, Schiess began working at The Summit in 2002, first as …

Crecer siempre ha tenido sus dificultades, pero los jóvenes de hoy enfrentan un entorno particularmente desafiante en nuestro país–el aumento de la violencia, los disturbios y los horribles tiroteos en las escuelas; el discurso civil que es cada vez más incivil; y una cultura secularista que continúa empujando la fe …

St. Arsenius, an Anchorite, was born in 354 at Rome and died in 450 at Troe, in Egypt. Theodosius the Great, having requested the Emperor Gratian and Pope Damasus to find him in the West a tutor for his son Arcadius, decided on Arsenius, a man well read in Greek …

“There is, I believe, in every disposition a tendency to some particular evil,” Mr. Darcy admits to Elizabeth Bennet when she pokes fun at his seriousness. As Christians, we believe sin separates us from God. And separation from God is separation from our true selves. It seems our God-given dispositions …

Brother A. Joseph Barrish, SM 75 Years Father Bertrand Buby, SM 70 Years Father Patrick Tonry, SM 70 Years Father Gerald Chinchar, SM 60 Years Brother Thomas Giardino, SM 60 Years Father James Heft, SM 60 Years Brother David Quigley, SM 60 Years Brother Thomas Redmond, SM 50 Years Father …

Sunday, July 17, 2022 6:30 a.m. Angelus with Pope Francis 8:00 a.m. Sunday Mass from Irondale AL 9:20 a.m. Holy Rosary and Devotions Join the Franciscan Friars of the Eternal Word as we pray for our country and our leaders from Our Lady of the Angels Chapel in Irondale, AL. …

Royalmont Academy, is pleased to announce the Board of Directors has hired a new Head of School, Josh Ater. Mr. Ater comes to Royalmont from Sidney Lehman Catholic High School, where he served as President/CEO for the last three years. Mr. Ater has already begun the transition and preparation for …