Attorney General investigation shows Planned Parenthood disposed of aborted remains in landfills

The Office of Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine has found new disturbing allegations against Planned Parenthood in the state.
In concluding an investigation into whether or not Planned Parenthood abortion facilities in the state sold aborted baby parts, the AG office said in a press release it found no evidence supporting that charge. In the course of said investigation, however, it was learned that all three Planned Parenthood abortion facilities in Ohio — including the Cincinnati facility on Auburn Avenue — sent remains to companies that dispose of them in landfills.
When the news broke Friday morning, Archbishop of Cincinnati Dennis M. Schnurr offered the following statement: “The Catholic Church believes that all human life is sacred – from conception to natural death. “Treating aborted babies like trash shows an appalling lack of respect for the human dignity of these children. Our culture needs to reclaim a sense of respect for human life at all levels.”
DeWine has referred his findings to Ohio Department of Health Director Richard Hodges in a letter asking him to take action.
“After a thorough investigation, our office has found no indication that fetal tissue is being sold by the Planned Parenthood organizations in Ohio,” DeWine wrote to Hodges. “However, in the course of our investigation, we learned that aborted fetuses are ultimately disposed of in landfill sites – apparently intermingled with other common residential and commercial trash. As you know, Ohio Administrative Code 3701-47-05 mandates that a ‘fetus shall be disposed of in a humane manner.’ I believe that disposing of the remains from an abortion by sending them to a landfill violates this rule. Because Revised Code Section 3701.341(B) provides that the director “shall apply to the court of common pleas for temporary or permanent injunctions restraining a violation … of the rules,” my office will be forwarding you additional information.”
In his press release, DeWine echoed the archbishop’s statement.
“Disposing of aborted fetuses from an abortion by sending them to a landfill is callous and completely inhumane,” DeWine said. “It is important the public be aware that these practices are taking place at these Ohio facilities.”
Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio President and CEO Stephanie Kight has denied the allegations.
“These new allegations by the Attorney General that we are improperly disposing of fetal tissue are flat-out false,” she said in a statement. “Planned Parenthood handles medical tissue like any other quality health care provider. Our agreements with vendors all require them to follow state law, and dispose of tissue accordingly. If they are not, then I will take swift action.
“We are seriously concerned that this report is not the result of meaningful investigation, but instead yet another attack on women’s access to health care in the state of Ohio intended to end our ability to continue to provide safe, legal abortion,” she added. The full statement can be read HERE.
Earlier this year undercover videos showed Planned Parenthood leaders discussing the sale of aborted baby parts, leading to several investigations and calls for the government to defund the nation’s largest abortion provider.