Archivist, volunteer earn certificates of appreciation

Sarah Patterson, archivist for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Chancery Archives, and volunteer coordinator Julie Ross received certificates of appreciation in April from the Hamilton County Genealogical Society (HCGS). The certificates were in response to the duo’s efforts in getting the archives genealogical research working again after a more than two-year hiatus.
Since August of 2015 the archives have taken genealogical requests for a $25 fee. As Patterson is the only paid member of the archives’ staff, she relies on a team of volunteers from the HCGS to assist in research. Ross, a member of the HCGS, coordinates the schedules and is the volunteer coordinator.
“Julie is perfect for what she does in leading this project because she is so knowledgeable in genealogy and Catholic records,” Patterson said. “Without Julie this process wouldn’t be rolling right now… Genealogy requests are very time consuming and they are the bulk of the requests that we get. Because they are difficult to answer, they take a lot of time. If I were the one leading it, I wouldn’t have time for the foundational day-to-day archival work that needs to get done.”
Ross worked for Proctor and Gamble before retiring, but has a library degree and a lifelong interest historical research. She is a parishioner of St. William in Price Hill.
“The reason I have a library degree is because of my interest in genealogy which goes back to high school 40 some years ago…,” she said. “I’ve been doing genealogy for 45 years. I developed a real interest in the local Catholic church histories. I have a background that really helps with this because I kind of know some of the history of the churches.”
Patterson and Ross both appreciated the gesture from the society to bestow them with certificates.
“I know the Hamilton County Genealogical Society has been grateful we started this up again,” Paterson said. “While we were closed for two and a half years they stopped all requests for genealogy. I know this was something people had been waiting for for a while… We’ve been told by different people at times that they’re grateful but it is nice to have it written out more formally that they’re appreciative.”
To learn more about the archives or file a request for genealogy research, click HERE.