Archdiocese’ Catholics to join Protestants, Evangelicals for Pentecost event

Press Release
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati will join with a diverse group of Protestant and Evangelical leaders from a wide variety of Christian churches in Greater Cincinnati to sponsor a large worship gathering for Pentecost Sunday, called “Outpouring 2014.” Together, the churches aim to create a common moment of prayer for greater Christian unity, repentance, and healing in Cincinnati. The event will take place on Pentecost, June 8, from 3–4:30 p.m., at Xavier University’s Cintas Center.
Pentecost is a spectacular event in the early days of the Church and is celebrated by Christians of many denominations. It reminds Christians of the Holy Spirit’s yearning to see all give praise to the glory of God and Christ Jesus. As Pope Francis shared on this feast last year, “Only the Spirit can awaken diversity, plurality and multiplicity, while at the same time building unity.” (Homily for the Solemnity of Pentecost Mass with Ecclesial Movements, May 19, 2013)
Among other inspirational moments planned for this event, Bishop Joseph R. Binzer will join with other Christian leaders to center the gathering on a prayer that all hold in common, the Lord’s Prayer. Jesus’ entreaty, “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven,” will direct all to pray for a city that can emerge from such challenges as a skyrocketing infant mortality rate, countless foreclosures, joblessness, and violence.
While this particular event is directed toward the city of Cincinnati, the group will pray for all the cities and towns in the Archdiocese for a greater sense of unity, as well as for the safety and well-being of all citizens, especially for those most in need.
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Posted May 27, 2014