Archbishop names Groman abuse survivors ministry coordinator

Press Release
Cherie Groman has been appointed the new Coordinator of Ministry to Survivors of Abuse by Cincinnati Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr, effective July 1.
She succeeded Sandy Keiser, who retired from Catholic Charities after 44 years.
The position involves reaching out in healing and reconciliation to those who have been victimized by sexual abuse as a minors by anyone serving the church as a cleric, employee or volunteer, and a commitment to the pastoral and spiritual care of those who have been abused consistent with the archdiocese’s Decree on Child Protection.
Groman will arrange support services for survivors of abuse, such as counseling and spiritual support as agreed upon by the individual and the archdiocese. As part of this, she will maintain a list of qualified therapists for referral if the survivor does not already have a counselor. She also will maintain contact with the survivors to determine where they are in the healing process and whether additional assistance is needed.
This ministry is available to all survivors of sexual abuse by archdiocesan representatives, whether the abuse was recent or occurred many years ago.
A Chicago native, Groman graduated from Franciscan University of Steubenville in 2010 with a bachelor’s degree in mental health and human services, and from Capella University in March 2014 with a master’s in marriage and family therapy. Her previous clinical work includes serving as a case manager at Talbert House, working with severe mental illness and substance use. She completed her master’s internship at Catholic Charities.
“With Cherie’s background as a Marriage and Family Therapist and a staff member at Catholic Charities, she has an outstanding ability to listen and empathize with the difficult situations individuals encounter,” said Father Steve Angi, chancellor of the archdiocese. “She brings that giftedness to her role as the Coordinator for Ministry to Survivors of Abuse.”
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati urges anyone who is being abused or has been abused by an employee or volunteer of the archdiocese, or is aware of abuse currently taking place, to contact Groman at 513.263.6623, or 1.800.686.2724×6623, as well as secular legal authorities. This is a confidential, dedicated line to accept calls related to child abuse by employees or volunteers.
Story posted July 7, 2014