Archbishop approves latest priest assignments

Staff Report
Archbishop Dennis Schnurr has approved the following appointments for priests across the archdiocese, effective July 1:
Appointed pastors are: Fr. Anthony Cutcher, pastor of St. Peter Parish, Huber Heights, Our Lady of the Rosary, Holy Cross and St. Adalbert Parishes, Dayton; Fr. Martin Bachman, pastor of St. Ann, Williamsburg, Holy Trinity, Batavia, St. Louis, Owensville, St. Philomena, Stonelick, Parishes; and Fr. Michael Bidwell, pastor of St. William and St. Teresa of Avila Parishes, Cincinnati. In addition, Fr. Michael Cordier was appointed Parochial Administrator of St. Andrew Parish, Milford, effective through June 30, 2016, while continuing as Pastor of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Mt. Repose.
Parochial vicar appointments approved, effective July 1, include: Fr. John Amankwah, St. Ignatius Loyola Parish, Cincinnati and Fr. Brian Austin, F.S.S.P., Holy Family Parish, Dayton, effective August 9, 2015; Fr. Andrew Cordonnier, St. Ann, Williamsburg, Holy Trinity, Batavia, St. Louis, Owensville, and St. Philomena, Stonelick;
Also: Fr. Matthew Gamber, S.J., St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish, Liberty Township, Fr. Adrian Hilton Old St. Mary’s Parish, Cincinnati; Fr. Ethan Moore, St. Peter Parish, Huber Heights, Our Lady of the Rosary, St. Adalbert and Holy Cross Parishes, Dayton;
Also: Fr. James Romanello, St. Henry Parish, Dayton and Our Lady of Good Hope Parish, Miamisburg; Fr. Michael Seger, St. Teresa of Avila Parish, Cincinnati; Reverend Brother (Zane) Gabriel Torretta, O.P., St. Gertrude Parish, effective May 27, 2015; Fr. Patrick Welsh, St. Albert the Great Parish, Kettering; Fr. Eric Wood, St. Francis de Sales Parish, Lebanon and St. Philip the Apostle Parish, Morrow.
The following Pastors were renewed for an additional six years effective July 1: Fr. Henry Albietz, St. Angela Merici, Fayetteville and St. Michael, Mt. Orab; Fr. Dohrman Byers, St. George, Georgetown, St. Michael, Ripley and St. Mary, Arnheim; Fr. Geoff Drew, St. Maximilian Kolbe, Liberty Township; Fr. Robert Farrell, St. Susanna, Mason; and Fr. Jerome Gardner, St. Margaret Mary, North College Hill, while continuing as Pastor of Assumption, Mt. Healthy.
Also: Fr. John Krumm, St. Brigid, Xenia, while continuing as Parochial Administrator of St. Augustine, Jamestown; Fr. Michael Leshney, St. Mary, Bethel and St. Peter, New Richmond; Fr. Michael Paraniuk, St. Benignus, Greenfield, while continuing as Pastor of St. Mary, Hillsboro; Fr. Patrick Sheridan, St. Patrick, Bellefontaine;
Also: Fr. Donald Siciliano, St. Bernard, Taylor’s Creek; Fr. Patrick Sloneker, St. Joseph, Wapakoneta while continuing as Pastor of St. John, Fryburg, St. Lawrence, Rhine, and Immaculate Conception, Botkins; Fr. Reynaldo Taylor, St. Joseph, Cincinnati, while continuing as a hospital chaplain in Cincinnati; Fr. Lawrence Tensi, St. Columban, Loveland; and Fr. John Tonkin, Sacred Heart, McCartyville.
In addition, Fr. Chau Pham, SVD, Chaplain/Moderator for Our Lady of Lavang Vietnamese Catholic Community was renewed for an additional three years.
The following retirements were announced: Fr. Earl Simone retired effective April 7; Fr. Samuel Gonzalez retired effective May 9; and retired effective July 1, Fr. Robert Waller; Fr. Robert Schmitz; Fr. James Meade; Fr. Michael Savino; Fr. Ronald Piepmeyer; Fr. Edwin Gearhart; Fr. Charles Lang; and Fr. Thomas Meyer.
In other appointments, Fr. J. Rob Jack appointed for weekend and holyday assistance at Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Mt. Repose, and Saint Andrew Parish, Milford; Fr. David Howard has been appointed to studies in Canon Law at The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., effective July 1; Fr. James Meade appointed Temporary Parochial Administrator for Corpus Christi Parish and St. John Neumann Parish, Cincinnati, from Aug. 1 through Nov. 1, while Fr. Kyle Schnippel is on sabbatical; Fr. Ariel Fernando Pico Rincon has been appointed Assistant Director of Hispanic Ministry, Dayton, effective May 11.
Posted June 10, 2015