April edition: Papal adviser visits, new priest ordained and more

Staff Report
The April print edition of The Catholic Telegraph is just days away from reaching mailboxes and the issue is packed with 32 pages of content.
The cover story focuses on Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez of Honduras. Cardinal Rodriguez, an adviser to Pope Francis, visited the Archdiocese of Cincinnati recently making stops in Cincinnati and Dayton.
The April issue includes photos of the ordination of J. Thomas Wray to the priesthood. Father Wray was ordained at St. Margaret of York, marking the second time this year a priest has been ordained at a church other than the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains. Read more about Father Wray and his story HERE.
One of 2015’s hotly debated topics — vaccinations — gets a feature in the coming edition, examining the issue from a Catholic perspective.
There’s a report on the latest pastoral council meeting and also an update on the Archdiocese’s One Faith, One Hope, One Love capital campaign.
Along with the above, all four monthly columnists return for April as well as the Everyday Evangelist (a scoutmaster), Body & Soul (Swiss Guard cookbook) and Family Life Activities features.
The Catholic Telegraph is published monthly in print, and daily online. The print edition often features exclusive content not available online or elsewhere. To subscribe to the print edition of The Catholic Telegraph at no personal cost, click HERE.
Posted March 23, 2015